Saturday, September 28, 2024

From the Stupidity Alert Desk: Jackson Walker of Sinclair Media would rather spread fear than allow people to seek professional help to prevent child abuse

I am amazed that a large segment of the population oppose groups that attempt to help those who are sexually attracted to minors seek help to prevent sexual abuse. But we have right-wing dipshits like Jackson Walker of Sinclair doing just that. 

Sinclair Media has long been derided as a cesspool of fearmongering and misinformation, from their infamous (and ridiculous) "terrorism alert desk" segments to that creepy and robotic script they forced all their affiliates to read a few years ago. Since right-wing commentators love fearmongering over "grooming" and "pedophilia", it is no surprise to see the shit-for-brains Sinclair Media shmucks write a hit piece targeting one of the only groups trying to encourage those struggling with attraction towards minors to seek professional help so they never abuse a minor. 

Here's the thing, like it or not there are folks who are arracted to minors. Most recognize it is immoral and many want help to deal with feelings they know is wrong. Isolation is one of the biggest barriers to seeking help. So is the stigma of being branded a "pedophile." So whenever any group tries to encourage people to seek help AND provide pathways for them to get the help they need, they should be encouraged, not stigmatized. That kind of logic is lost on these right-wing pundits who have espoused insane beliefs about "underground pedophile networks" in DC pizza shops or drag queen story hours or litter boxes in schools or immigrants feasting on Fido. (Incidentally, RFK Jr., who endorse tRUMP, may have actually eaten a dog and admitted to having a freezer full of roadkill, but I digress.)

From the Stupidity Alert Desk, this has been the 2024 Shiitake Awards Nomination Crew.

Pedophile group claims 'oppression' over Vt. camp gathering outrage: 'Deeply offensive'

by JACKSON WALKER | The National DeskMon, September 23rd 2024 at 7:28 AM

Updated Mon, September 23rd 2024 at 7:32 AM

MARSHFIELD, Vt. (TND) — An activist group claims pedophiles are facing “extreme stigmatization and oppression” amid news reporting on a planned “Minor-Attracted Persons” (MAPs) gathering in Vermont last week.

MAP is a replaced term for "pedophiles" coined by Maryland nonprofit B4U-ACT. It refers to people attracted to minors or those below the legal age of consent. B4U-ACT aims to “promote a science-informed understanding" about people "with an attraction to children or adolescents."

A now-deleted website promoting an event titled “MAP Camp” offered to host “acutely marginalized” MAPs at a Vermont campground from Sept. 19-22. That “first of its kind” event included strict rules for participants.

“MAP Camp” organizers prohibited campers from calling police to the campsite and cautioned participants against the dangers of camping such as “tripping because you were distracted by a sexy minor.” Though camp organizers did not respond to a request for comment from TND, the unrelated activist group MAP Union called out what it saw as unfair treatment of campers.

“We do understand the alarm among local parents, but we are extremely unhappy about non-violent MAP community members being labeled as dangerous to children,” co-founder Brian Ribbon wrote. “The idea that these people would for some reason try to attack children at the local school is outrageous and deeply offensive.”

“The days of MAPs quietly tolerating extreme stigmatization and oppression are over,” he added. “You can expect to hear a lot more from us soon.”

Some online speculated the camp was being hosted at Onion River Campground, sparking concerns due to its proximity to nearby Twinfield Union School. Superintendent Matt Foster of the Caledonia Central Supervisory Union announced via Facebook additional safety measures would be in place at the school throughout the duration of the camp.

“On Thursday, September 19th and Friday, September 20th, we will have State Police and Homeland Security officers on site, both in uniform and in plain clothes, to enhance our security measures and to allay fears to the best of their abilities,” Foster wrote. “Students will not be in the woods on Thursday or Friday. When students are outside for recess, they will be closely supervised by staff in open areas.”

“In addition, Twinfield School will no longer participate in any shared activities with Onion River Campground,” he added. “We are actively exploring fencing options to establish a clearer physical boundary between our properties and will be implementing proper signage to denote the boundaries between the school and neighboring private properties.”

The community also hosted two events for parents to express concerns over the camp, including a “community forum” event in the Twinfield cafeteria and a meeting of the town select board. Present at the select board meeting was Onion River Campground owner Jaquelyn Rieke, who insisted the event posed no threat to the community.

“I assure you that I would never do anything as an individual or business owner that would threaten the wellbeing of our children,” she said. “There was an event alleged to be held at my campground. I can assure that Onion River Campground has never held, or will never hold, a ‘MAP Camp.’”

Rieke acknowledged the “sexual orientation” of one of her employees named Mike may have something to do with the allegations. She also invited event attendees to visit the campground to explore the site.

“I never knew about this or gave my permission for that,” she added.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Ugly Betty: Gullible self-professed "victim advocate" Mary "Betsy" Dupuis believes insane conspiracy theories on the Internet

This is Mary Dupuis, but she goes by "Betty". She's certainly a piece of work. She made an allegation of assault against a prosecutor, and wrote an unhinged statement claiming she wasn't "MAGA" yet she claims the prosecutor is funded by George Soros (a right-wing conspiracy). She launched a Substack account she calls "Surviving Austin", which she describes as, "Author Betsy Dupuis's personal journey to investigate the challenges of seeking justice and safety in the tech industry, Austin, Texas and Travis County."

For some strange reason, she decided to make a false claim that longtime Texas advocacy group Texas Voices is connected to the controversial NAMBLA group, 

As a general rule, I normally post entire articles on my blog for the sake of preservation, but this instance, I refuse to do so. Why? Many of the statements Dupuis posts are slanderous and downright criminal. She certainly went down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole. 

I will post the link here if you want to see it, but I will not directly link to that page because it is too inflammatory even for this page:


Basically her logic goes like this. Because NAMBLA had republished statements created by anti-registry advocates, anti-registry advocates are therefore NAMBLA. I suppose, then, that because KXAN published Dupuis's statement, she must be on staff at KXAN, right?

There has been a long-time conspiracy created back in 2009 by a defunct vigilante group that NARSOL is just a rebranded NAMBLA. And because Texas Voices is affiliated with NARSOL, which, according to the online conspiracy nuts, is just a rebranded NAMBLA, then Texas Voices must then be NAMBLA, too. 

Among the problems Dupuis has with Texas Voices is that "Molnar gave a talk titled “Residency Restrictions and Child Safe Zones” claiming “Residency and proximity restrictions based on fear and hysteria have no empirical support.” But there is indeed overwhelming evidence that residency restrictions do not work and cause farm more harm than good. 

In reality, Dupuis's beef with Texas Voices is because "Scott Henson also has also collaborated with these organizations in the past both as in his individual capacity with NARSOL and Texas Voices and as director of the Texas Innocence Project National Center for Reason and Justice (NCRJ). Scott Henson is a campaign advisor for José Garza and works with Garza’s office through his position at the Innocence Project of Texas which has received $600k in Justice Department grants to work with the office on exonerations." 

And Dupuis is upset with a prosecutor's office because "She claims a friend of Garza represents the person who sexually assaulted her." 

So Dupuis is upsets because at Texas Voices because a supporter works on the campaign of a county prosecutor (who is funded by "George Soros blood money", and) who is friends with a defense attorney who respresents the person she claimed sexually assaulted her, and because of this, every one of these people are all part of one big conspiracy to deny her "justice," oh, and they're really all connected to NAMBLA or some other secret underground cult. Got all that?

Ugly Betty needs to go to an insane asylum. She's seriously sick in the head. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Aberdeen WA city councilman Riley Carter committed sex offense while trying to start an online vigilante group

This is Riley Carter who was elected to the Aberdeen City Council Ward 5 Position 9. I just cannot bring myself to feel sorry for Riley Carter. In addition to posting himself wearing a red Trump-style hate with the slogan "Make (P-word) Afraid Again," Riley Carter harassed and disparaged homeless persons on a regular basis, including referring to them as "tweakers" and the "walking dead." 

But it gets crazier. Carter was trying to start an onlibe vigilante group he called, "Harbor Watchdogs LLC" and had even posted a GoFundMe to raise money for it. (No donations were made to the GoFundMe effort.)

On a related note, this clown bought the hat from one of a number of convicted criminals who spend an awful lot of time embellishing their prison lives on social media. This online seller glorifies biker gangs online and has been accused of lying about his time in prison. This online seller is apparently is upset about Riley's arrest while wearing a hat from his store (confirmed by seeing his online store logo on the hat), presumably because we all know that those who scream loudest about this issue tend to have something to hide.

After being charged with child rape, Aberdeen City Council member resigns

Riley Carter resigned on Friday, Aug. 2, just a few days after his arrest.

Author: Kipp Robertson

Published: 4:08 PM PDT August 6, 2024

ABERDEEN, Wash. — The Aberdeen City Council member charged with child rape resigned from jail, City Manager Ruth Clemens confirmed to KING 5.

Riley Carter signed a letter of resignation on Friday, Aug. 2, just a few days after his arrest. Detectives previously said Carter confessed to detectives, admitting he sexually assaulted a child known to him over the past two years. 

Carter was arrested the night of Tuesday, July 30. According to documents filed in court Wednesday, July 31, Carter told detectives he needed help and expressed remorse toward his victim. Detectives said the victim is a child under the age of 12. 

Grays Harbor Judge Vini Samuel ordered Carter held on $100,000 bail after charging Carter with one count of rape of a child.

Voters elected Carter to the Aberdeen City Council in December of 2023.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Controversial Missouri Secretary of State candidate Valentina Gomez flops hard in election bid, and it is glorious


This is Valentina Gomez, a Colombian immigrant who hates immigrants, amd one of eight candidates for Missouri Secretary of State. Last night, she hosted what she adverised on Twitter as a "pedophile catch party," working with racist, anti-vax, right-wing conspiracy loon, and vigilante thug Alex Rosen. (This alleged arrest, according to the thug, occurred in Central Iowa, so Gomez wasn't even IN Missouri the night of the election.) Gomez essentially ran on a platform of pure hatred, and it gained her a lot of notoriety, including a book burning stunt. 

It is funny how even a state that wanted to place teachers who use gender-affirming pronouns for trans kids on the state sex offense registry has rejected her. She was soundly defeated in the primary.

The most homophobic GOP candidate of the year loses her primary & it was brutal

She didn't win. She didn't get second place. She didn't get third place. She didn't....

By Alex Bollinger Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Valentina Gomez, who ran in the GOP primary for Missouri Secretary of State, built her campaign around her hatred of LGBTQ+ people. She made “Don’t be weak and gay” a slogan of her campaign, she called LGBTQ+ people “groomers” and “pedophiles” repeatedly, she burned LGBTQ+ books with a flamethrower, and she said anti-LGBTQ+ slurs in videos posted to social media.

And she just came in sixth place in her primary election out of eight candidates.

With 99% of votes counted this morning, the Kansas City Star reports that Gomez got 47,931 votes – or just 7.5% – in the primary yesterday, putting her behind five other candidates. State Sen. Denny Hoskins (R) got 24.4% of the vote and has been declared the winner by the AP.

In a video posted after the polls closed but before the votes were counted, Gomez claimed that her campaign had “locked up pedophiles, saved children, stood up to tyrants and corrupt politicians, and I would do it 1000 times again.”

“God qualifies the called,” she said. She has not posted a message since the election was called.

social media where she said: “In America, you can be anything you want. So don’t be weak and gay. Stay f**king hard.” She had already drawn some headlines a couple months prior with her flamethrower stunt.

She grew increasingly unhinged as she got closer to the primary, calling LGBTQ+ people “pedophiles” regularly. She even made a video this past week calling LGBTQ+ people “fa***ts” and claiming that unnamed people tried to poison her dogs, before calling Vice President Kamala Harris “an Indian hoe” and saying that Democrats are all “gay, vaccinated, and cannot reproduce.”

While she got more attention from national media outlets than all of her competitors combined, that didn’t translate into votes in the primary.

But that wasn’t the only loss she suffered this year. Her campaign, she claimed, caused her to lose her job with Purina dog food. Her brother also lost his job with the Democratic mayor of Jersey City, New Jersey, when he donated $1250 to her campaign and then refused to say he disagreed with her stances on LGBTQ+ people.

Valentina with fat bastard and known vigilante scumbag
Alex GROSSen

Monday, July 29, 2024

Kentucky State Senator Gary Boswell thinks First Amendment rights can just be taken away


This year, KY passed a bill to require Persons Forced to Register to disclose their real names on social media. This is important because the state is trying to circumvent free AND anonymous speech rights of PFRs. By forcing PFRs to use their real names, it insures they're kicked off of certain platforms like Facebook or TikTok due to their status. They're essentially passing the buck by getting private companies to violate free speech rights. SCOTUS already upheld the rights of PFRs to use social media, so Boswell can suck it.

SB 249, co-sponsored by local state Senator Gary Boswell, received unanimous bipartisan support. It passed the Senate 38-0 and House 96-0 before the governor signed it into law. 

“I do think this law is valid and constitutional. Furthermore, it’s a common-sense law to me,” he said. “People convicted of felonies give up their rights they otherwise would have, like the Second Amendment. The plaintiff is arguing for freedom of speech. Some of his rights might be taken away, but it’s to protect children, and the government has a strong interest in that.”

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Millersville TN's Assistant Police Chief Shawn Taylor engages in illegal entrapment stings with a vigilante scumbag group & boats of sending arrestees off to be murdered


This rogue police department set people up using a private vigilante group and sent people to facilities where they intended for those they entrapped to be assaulted, possibly murdered. These MAGAts should be rounded up and hauled off to prison themselves. 

Shawn Taylor, aka the "Conspiracy Cop", is the head of this two-bit operation. He has apparently switches jobs every few months. 

Source: Phil Williams, "'Disturbing' recordings from inside child-predator sting shows police, MAGA operatives ignoring laws." WTVF News Channel 5. 15 July 2024. Accessed 18 July 2024 at

'Disturbing' recordings from inside child-predator sting shows police, MAGA operatives ignoring laws

Recordings show police discussing luring predator suspect to a jurisdiction where he may not leave the jail alive

Shawn Taylor puts the ASS in assistant

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — What happens when you give people with bizarre conspiracy theories a gun and a badge?

Secret recordings from inside the troubled Millersville Police Department provide a sobering answer to that question.

Those recordings — obtained from what was supposed to be a sting operation to nab sexual predators who prey on innocent children — show that, in their zeal to make some big cases, Millersville's conspiracy-minded cops may have crossed the line of what's legal.

That sting was run back in May by Millersville Assistant Police Chief Shawn Taylor and a colorful cast of characters he assembled for the operation.

Among the revelations, the recordings show:

  • Taylor did not involve other law enforcement agencies with more experience in such operations because of his unfounded conspiracy theories that prominent state officials are involved in child sex trafficking.
  • Members of a private group posed online as minors — despite Millersville police being told by prosecutors that the sting would be legal only if sworn law enforcement officers were the ones doing the work.
  • Shawn Taylor told one operative that investigators would be using "pre-signed search warrants," which would likely be illegal, according to experts.
  • Police arrested one suspect then, when he refused to talk to investigators, they turned him over to the private group for questioning.
  • A Millersville detective boasted that the suspect was being taken to a jail where it was likely that he might not come out alive.

"This is the most disturbing video that I've ever been asked to comment on since I've been asked to do the legal analyst job here at the station," said Nick Leonardo, a veteran Nashville lawyer who worked with NewsChannel 5 for some 15 years.

Millersville police did not respond to NewsChannel 5's request for comment.

As NewsChannel 5 Investigates first revealed, Shawn Taylor has voiced support for all sorts of bizarre conspiracy theories, many of them involving child sex trafficking and some of the country's most powerful political figures.

Taylor even believes the discredited QAnon "Pizzagate" hoax that falsely claimed Democrats kept child sex slaves locked up in the basement of a D.C. pizza parlor.

He imagines that Millersville, a community of about 6,000 people just north of Nashville, is at the center of Tennessee's drug and human trafficking operations.

The recordings show that, in a phone call in the run-up to the Millersville sting, Taylor once again revealed his conspiracy-fueled paranoia, insisting that the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and other state law enforcement agencies are involved in the sex trafficking.

"So be real careful, especially when it comes to our state agencies," Taylor cautioned. "So we've just got to be real careful with them because we have people what we've already identified that are involved in the money laundering side."

"Truth be told, it's a lie," Leonardo said.

NewsChannel 5 Investigates added, "It's unhinged?"

"It's unhinged. It is very, very, very dangerous."

In fact, a team photo for Operation Clean Sweep, as Taylor dubbed it, consisted of just five police officers from Millersville — none with actual experience running child sex stings.

Two of the men were introduced to the group as "prayer warriors," who are part of a group that believes the battle against human trafficking is a battle against "demons."

The woman in the middle was a three-time Republican candidate for Congress from North Carolina, who faced accusations of domestic violence and child abuse that she denied.

There were also two MAGA podcasters and former Navy SEAL Craig "Sawman" Sawyer.

Back in 2018, Sawyer took a Tucson TV crew to a camp that he suggested might have been used for child sex trafficking.

In fact, police said it was just a camp used by homeless families.

These days, on far-right podcasts, Sawyer raises money for his own Arizona-based nonprofit called Veterans for Child Rescue, but there's no evidence that his group has ever rescued any actual children.

On one recent podcast, Sawyer claimed, without evidence, that he knew of a location "near Nashville, Tennessee that they are flying the children into."

Even more bizarrely, the secret recordings reveal Sawyer talking about his hopes for continuing to work with Shawn Taylor.

"And start whacking some — you know, not to make it political — but whole leftist, corrupt, pedophile, this evil thing that's taken over Nashville," Sawyer said.

Nick Leonardo's reaction?

"Just when you thought it couldn't get any more shocking, you keep listening and it just gets worse as it goes."

For example, in one recording, Shawn Taylor talks about being prepared for the operation with "pre-signed search warrants."

"We're going to have search warrants that are already — they'll have to meet certain perimeters for us to execute the search warrant — but they are going to be pre-signed search warrants," Taylor told a member of Sawyer's team.

There's just one major problem.

"A search warrant cannot be pre-signed," Leonardo said. "You have to see what's going on, and you have to put that into a warrant, and you have to swear to that individually in front of a judge — and that becomes the probable cause."

NewsChannel 5 asked, "Is a pre-signed search warrant going to stand up in court?"

"A pre-signed search warrant would be a criminal offense in and of itself," Leonardo answered.

A source with longtime experience running child predator schemes confirmed that "pre-signed search warrants" would not be legal.

In the recordings, a member of Sawyer's team reveals a deal with Shawn Taylor where Millersville PD would seize data from any suspects and share that data with Sawyer's group — people who are not law enforcement officers.

"They are going to dump their phones, and they've agreed to give us their contact lists off their phones — so all of this data" would be shared with the group, said Forrest Sealey, executive director of Veterans for Child Rescue.

Again, Leonardo was shocked by what he heard.

"There's no reason whatsoever that any kind of evidence — electronic data seized from any kind of device pursuant to a valid search warrant — should ever be in the hands of a private individual. That potentially would lend itself to a criminal charge."

"So that could be a crime, as well?"

"Potentially, it could be a crime."

And the video shows it was members of Craig Sawyer's team actually doing the chatting, posing online as a 12-year-old girl.

But that's not how Shawn Taylor was told that it had to be done to make it legal.

"So we just talked to our DA," Taylor said in a telephone call before the operation. "And, so, with the Tennessee state law, it said that the officer has to do the actual typing, that with our law it says it has to be a law enforcement officer posing as a minor."

Leonardo agreed.

"Clearly it needs to be a POST-certified sworn law enforcement officer on the other side of that computer tapping those keys."

But video from inside the operation shows that not only were members of Sawyer's team doing the typing, they were also concerned about there not being video of them doing it.

"They needed videos of them, law enforcement chatting," one of the so-called "chatters" told a videographer.

"I'm not getting your faces," the man replied.

"Yeah. I just... I'm cool with it," she responded, "but they wanted to show law enforcement — not us — touching the phones."

NewsChannel 5 Investigates asked Leonardo, "And the fact that they end up with people who are not law enforcement officers tapping the keys, those cases are in trouble?"

"Those cases are in serious, serious trouble," he agreed.

The recordings also show the plan was to try to lure the predators to a Shell station in Robertson County because the officers felt the prosecutor in this district would be more likely to work with them on their cases.

Millersville detective Mike Candler referred to fellow detective Todd Dorris as "Mater," a character from the animated "Cars" film series.

"Mater there is best friends with the district attorney in Robertson County," Candler said. "They went to high school together. So he said, 'Well, let's put this here so I can talk to him.' And we lock everything in. So he won't stand for nothing, and they all hate pedophiles."

And when they did get one suspect who had bicycled up Interstate 65 from Nashville thinking he was going to have sex with a 12-year-old girl, Millersville police took the man into custody.

"They said he was peddling like a son of a bitch," Candler recounted to the chatters.

Then, according to the recordings, the suspect was brought to a Millersville fire hall.

He didn't want to talk to the police, so they turned him over to Craig Sawyer's film crew.

"I just walked out, and y'all's little camera crew went in and starting asking questions — and he just gave everything up," Candler said.

One of the chatters sounded perplexed.

"The camera crew went in?"


"Is that...?"

Candler quickly answered, "It's fine. We didn't prompt them, we didn't prompt them to ask any questions. We didn't have them do anything. It was unsolicited, and he just started what we call spontaneous utterance — just laying it out there."

Leonardo had a different opinion.

"Hands-down, the confession is not coming in for a host of different reasons because you have a private third party doing the interrogation and sitting here and filming it. That's not coming into evidence. It's just not."

NewsChannel 5 Investigates asked, "So again this guy could walk, probably would walk?"

"Yeah, he certainly would walk, certainly would walk based on the facts that we are going over here," Leonardo said. "I don't see how this prosecution could stick."

Still, the suspect was booked into Robertson County Jail — which, the detective grimly hinted, could be his last stop.

"Honestly, I wouldn't doubt he gets, comes up missing in the jail," Candler said.

"Yeah, I agree. I would like that," one of the chatters answered.

The detective continued, "That's a Robertson County thing. Robertson, Maury, Hickman, Monroe and Giles — you're not coming out of the jail."

Leonardo was stunned.

"What does that mean? What does he know that the rest of us do not?"

We noted, "Essentially, it sounds like he is saying we are taking him to a jurisdiction where we don't think he'll come out alive."

"Well, yeah, that could be the inference that's drawn," Leonardo said.

"That's very scary, and I think that's cause for an investigation by the TBI to determine what was meant by that."

The NewsChannel 5 legal analyst said he believes Millersville PD is now a rogue agency where conspiracy theorists have decided the laws don't apply to themselves.

NewsChannel 5 Investigates asked Leonardo, "From what you've heard in these recordings, is this a police department that's out of control?"

"It sounds to me like it's a police department that never had control," he answered.

"This is jeopardizing the safety of the citizens of Millersville and something needs to be done."

Craig Sawyer has gone on InfoWars and other far-right podcasts attacking NewsChannel 5 for our investigation of Taylor and referring to this reporter as a "pedophile protector."

He has claimed this predator sting generated enough evidence to charge another 70 people, although there's no way to tell if that's true.

Robertson County prosecutors have not returned NewsChannel 5's phone calls.

In cases where the suspects did not travel to meet the 12-year-old girl, one potential obstacle could be, according to the recordings, the "chatter house" was located in Sumner County — which is an entirely different judicial district.

It's not clear whether prosecutors there would take up any potential cases.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Far-Right extremist and Nazi sympathizer Anna Slatz REALLY hates the term "Person Forced to Register" (PFR)

This is Anna Slatz (sometimes under the pen name "Anna de Luca"), a self-professed "feminist" and "gender critical activist" (whatever that's supposed to mean), but in reality, she's a far-right extremist and a Nazi sympathizer. As a college student, she worked on the student newspaper, where she approved an interview with the leader of a Neo-Nazi as well as an unedited OpEd by the same Neo-Nazi, complete with attacks on Jewish and Indigenous North American people. 

Anna Slatz has written for Canadian far-right alternative news sites Rebel News and The Post Millennial before going on to start her own extremist alternative news site, Reduxx, which, as noted by the Washington Post, "bills itself as 'feminist news and opinion.' But what kind of “feminist news” site has zero articles on fair pay or reproductive rights, and only articles about transgender people who have allegedly committed crimes?"

Indeed, most articles on Reduxx are about transgendered persons, and if they can add allegations of "pedophilia" and "grooming" into the mix, then itr is a bonus for them. 

She was also outed for posting racist statements about the country of India and its inhabitants:

Slatz, whose Twitter handle "Slatzism" even sounds like an amalgamation of the words Stasi and Nazi, even boasts her job is to "hate":

So it should come as no surprise that Miss Stasi-Nazi took offense to the term "Person Forced to Register:"

Of course, this led to a couple of days of blocking spam posts by Miss Stasi-Nazi's Neo-Nazi fanbase, including Ron DeathSantis's press secretary Christina P'Shaw (who separately got her nomination just two days prior to this post.)

This is reminiscent of 2021, when Derek Logue of was bashed by right-wing media for daring to speak out at the Colorado SOMB board when they were debating the use of language within their treatment program. It is the extremists in this country that are stifling positive reforms to the justice system. 

As Logue explains in the History of the Anti-Registry Movement, the importance of the use and understanding of labels is important, and we must call out anyone who misleads the public by claiming every person on the public registry is an "uncontrollable" "pedophhile" who is "guaranteed to reoffend".

Stasi-Nazi is just one of many who has tried to unleash a social media lynch mob in recent years, and won't be the last. 

Friday, June 7, 2024

Floridiot woman Christina Pushaw relies on parody/troll website to attack an anti-registry activist

PSHAW (/(p)SHô/) (exclamation): an expression of contempt or impatience.

I can't believe it, folks, I found a bleached blonde idiot that makes FloriDUH State Senator Lauren Book look like a Rhodes scholar. Christina P'SHAW, a 2022 Shiitake Award nominee, is back.  P'Shaw is no stranger to controversy, including referring to opponents of DeSantis's controversial "Don't Say Gay" bill as "p*dophiles", which led to her nomination in 2022. But something else happened to P'Shaw that year. 

P'Shaw got duped by a fake story about a "homophobic dog" on the Internet. As noted by the UK Independent:

"Christina Pushaw, the press secretary, tweeted the alleged screenshot of a Washington Post article on Tuesday featuring a white dachshund and the headline: “This dog is the new face of homophobia.”

“More cutting edge journalism from the 49 year old Washington Post activist,” Ms Pushaw wrote above the screenshot.

While the photoshopped image included a byline forThe Post’s technology reporter Taylor Lorenz, it was quickly debunked by senior politics reporter Aaron Blake.

“This is not a Washington Post or TaylorLorenz story,” he said. “It’s a headline cut and pasted on to our template from another website.”

The creator of the fake story, “Chuck”, also waded in further and tweeted: “No f***ing way... It has come to my attention that Ron DeSantis’ press secretary has stolen my edit out of an inability to differentiate between satire and reality, please share your collection of dog memes under her post...

Ms Pushaw, who did not appear to apologise for spreading a fake story on International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, tweeted back at Mr Blake and said: “Have you tried crying about it? That might help”.

She has reportedly previously taken aim at The Post’s Ms Lorenz, who told the Daily Dot on Tuesday: “I would have assumed a press secretary could recognise the difference between a fake screenshot from a meme page and a real news story, but apparently not.”"

Not only did Pushaw not apologize, she doubled down. 

Such was the case when Pushaw decided to send her mob of morons to attack anti-registry activist Derek Logue for criticizing the rhetoric folks like Pushaw have spread in recent years. It all started when an account that sounds like an amalgamation of the terms Stasi and Nazi posted an attack on Logue for stating that right wing nuts like Pushaw are too obsessed with the use of the terms "groomer" and "p*dophile":

She wasted no time in promoting a site that is so dubious, even the person who shared the site called it a HATE site:

Pushaw wasted no time in promoting the hate site to her rabid fanbase (which is smaller than you might think). I do think it is hilarious she believed this website was actually made by Logue's Nebraska neighbors. So, Pushaw is one of those idiots who believes EVERYTHING she reads on the Internet, be it a story about a homophobic dog or a website created by a personal stalker. 

She said many other disgusting things, like boasting about Deathsantis's soon-to-be-defeated death penalty bill and making other personal attacks, but promoting an obvious parody site makes P'Shaw worthy of at least a Shiitake Awards nominee. 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Sierra Penrose, a Confused Karen from Watertown NY, wants the state to pass residency restriction laws so she can FEEL safe

This is Karen Pinhead... I mean Sierra Penrose, and she wants the state of NY to reinstate residency restrictions so she can FEEL safe. It has long been proven that residency restriction laws don't work. They do not increase public safety. But she wants to FEEL safe and that is supposed to override the facts.

Concerned Watertown mom wants s** o** rules updated

By Craig Fox Watertown Daily Times 14 hrs ago 

WATERTOWN — A mother of a 4-year-old boy had no idea that a *** ... was living next to her and across the street from a home day care business.

The young mother, Sierra Penrose, is now working on reviving a state Senate bill that would prohibit ***s from living near such daycares.

The bill, which was first proposed a decade ago, hasn’t gained traction, even though it’s been reintroduced several times.

The proposed legislation would be similar to a state law that prohibits ***s from living within 1,000 feet of a school.

Penrose spoke during Monday night’s City Council meeting about how she was not notified that the Level 3 *** was living next to her McClelland Street home...

Penrose, who bought her house about a year ago, also told council members that the operator of the day care also was not notified that he was living in the neighborhood.

“A violent s*** o*** with a track record of abusing children is allowed to move freely within the city and move in next door to whoever he pleases,” she said.

She just happened to look at the state’s *** when she found out that he had moved into the house next door six months ago...

“I just want to protect my children,” she said.

Also a mother of a 1-year-old girl, Penrose was so upset that she was not notified that she went door-to-door to find out if her neighbors knew about it. None of the seven did.

While canvasing her neighborhood, she talked to Patti Pfister, who owns a state-licensed home day care across the street. Pfister knew nothing about the ***.

Pfister, who has operated her day care since 1996, is concerned about the six children under her care. Both Pfister and Penrose called the Watertown Police Department to see what can be done about the ***, who as a Level 3 *** must be on the state *** for the rest of his life.

“It’s very scary,” she said.

Nothing can be done, they said. The *** is listed on the state *** as having served a four-year sentenced and is no longer on probation.

The police department is not responsible for notifying people that a *** has moved into their neighborhood...

On Monday, City Council members sympathized with Penrose but told her that there’s nothing that the city can do about the situation.

Councilwoman Lisa A. Ruggiero advised Penrose that the Watertown Neighborhood Watch group shares the names and addresses of sex offenders listed on the state’s registry. Penrose is joining Neighborhood Watch, she said...

Penrose said she just wants to feel that her two children are safe.

Friday, April 19, 2024

FloriDUH Republican Rep Anna Paulina Luna(-tic) wants to pass a federal death penalty statute for crimes not involving murder

The Luna-Tic isn't just a gun nut, she's plain nuts
Typical Floridiot!

There is something that has been lost in the MAGAt push to challenge the 2008 Kennedy fv Louisiana ruling, and reinstate the death penalty for offenses not involving murder. 

Here are the words of Antonin Scalia, far from being a liberal justice, wrote the statement that struck down an immediate appeal following a showing there had been a military statute in place punishing certain non-murder offenses with death"

"I am voting against the petition for rehearing because the views of the American people on the death penalty for child rape were, to tell the truth, irrelevant to the majority’s decision in this case. The majority opinion, after an unpersuasive attempt to show that a consensus against the penalty existed, in the end came down to this: “[T]he Constitution contemplates that in the end our own judgment will be brought to bear on the question of the acceptability of the death penalty under the Eighth Amendment.” Ante, at ___ (slip op., at 24). Of course the Constitution contemplates no such thing; the proposed Eighth Amendment would have been laughed to scorn if it had read “no criminal penalty shall be imposed which the Supreme Court deems unacceptable.” But that is what the majority opinion said, and there is no reason to believe that absence of a national consensus would provoke second thoughts."

In other words, these idiots pushing for the death penalty are challenging a ruling even the conservative wing said no to doing when they had the chance. 

Besides, if this Luna-tic were to succeed in passing this terrible legislation, then her hero Trump should be first to be executed to prove she is serious about this and not just trying to get cheap publicity.

Convicted pedophiles could face much darker future with GOP-backed bill: 'Can't rehabilitate a predator'

Rep. Luna will also introduce a bill increasing penalties against rapists

By Emma Colton Fox News

Published April 9, 2024 1:25pm EDT

Florida Republican Rep. Anna Paulina Luna is slated to introduce a bill this week that would raise the federal minimum for sexual abusers of children to the death penalty or life in prison, the congresswoman told Fox News Digital in an exclusive interview. 

"One of my big platforms has been: how do you combat child trafficking, just with everything happening in our country? And it seems like there's been this obviously massive issue here in the states with consumption of whether it's child pornography and/or just attacks really on kids. And in honor of sexual assault prevention month, we actually want to introduce legislation," Luna told Fox News Digital in a phone interview this week. 

Called the "No Repeat Child Sex Offenders Act," the bill would amend a U.S. code that states anyone who "knowingly transports any individual in interstate or foreign commerce" to engage in prostitution or sexual activity "shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both."

The bill would strike the language that an offender be "imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both," and replace it with stronger penalties: "and punished by death or imprisoned for life."

"It's absurd to me, not only as a new mom, but also if you just look at some of the federal statutes, that there's not more strict punishments for people that are doing this," Luna said. 

The Florida congresswoman added that she, similar to others across the nation, believe child predators cannot be rehabilitated, and would reoffend when back on the streets. 

"I have the firm belief, which I think many of my colleagues also hold, that you can't rehabilitate a predator. And so we have to increase the federal minimums. And as you see, it's pretty simple text. It's maybe a page and a half, but it will increase the federal minimums to death penalty or life in prison," Luna said. 

Luna’s bills come as some states and cities, such as in California or New York, have seen an increase in prostitution in broad daylight on bustling streets. Experts have previously told Fox News Digital that the immigration crisis and lax laws have likely caused the spike in brazen prostitution, which also often includes human trafficking and the trafficking of children. Luna said her bill raising the penalties against child sexual assault includes so-called "Johns" who hire underage girls. 

"Anyone who is even going to consider exploiting someone like this – and you can't tell me that they don't know that these people are trafficked or that they don't know that that's a young child – but the fact is, is that, if you're knowingly doing this, you have to be held accountable," she said. 

"It's pretty black and white," she said. 

Luna compared rape to murder, saying the assault of a child destroys the victim's life, as well as the lives of family members. She’s hopeful Democrats will join her in passing the bill, calling it a nonpartisan effort, though some Democrats might not agree with the legislation due to opposition to the death penalty. 

"I think that this does speak to a deeper issue, in that, whether it's issues of rape or molestation that, you know, it destroys people's lives, and it's something that they carry with them for the rest of the time that they're adults. And so it can impact people, and we should be thinking of this very seriously," she said. 

Luna will introduce the bills Thursday in the House. 

"I think that if you're really about protecting children… you have to have strict laws. And that's exactly why we've introduced it." 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Alabama is pushing legislation preventing Registered Persons from working as First Responders

To paraphrase Phil Collins:

"Well, if you told me Bama's drowning, I CANNOT lend a hand

You've seen my face before online, so I do know that you know who I am

Well, I was there and I saw what they did, I saw it with my own two eyes

So they can wipe off that grin, I know where they've been

It's all been a pack of lies!"

Alabama does not want Registered Persons saving lies, so don't complain when I see you in need of rescue and all I can do is grab some popcorn and soda if this bill passes.


Section 1. Sections 15-20A-13 and 15-20A-31, Code of

Alabama 1975, are amended to read as follows:


(g)(1) No adult sex offender shall accept or maintain employment or a volunteer position as a first responder.

(2) For the purposes of this section, a "first responder" means a paramedic, firefighter, rescue squad member, emergency medical technician, or other individual who, in the course of his or her professional duties, responds to fire, medical, hazardous material or other similar emergencies, whether compensated or not.

(3) The prohibition in this subsection does not create liability for any employer or volunteer organization of first responders.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Guam must be behind the times, because Attorney General Douglas Moylan is pushing failed policies from the 2000s

Jessica's Law has always been and always will be bad policy. That is why there hasn't been a push for a Jessica's law in years, but Guam's AG hasn't gotten the memo. 

DouglASS Moylan, a scummy AG with a bad reputation stemmimg from his first term as Guam's AG, chose to promote dumb policy with a dumb quote. Republicans seem to love these failures with questionable morals.

Support, concern for Jessica's Law bill

John O'Connor | The Guam Daily Post, 4/2/24

"...Bill 183-37 imposes higher minimum sentencing requirements for those convicted of criminal sexual conduct involving victims younger than 12 years old.  

The measure mandates a 25-year minimum sentence, up to a maximum of life imprisonment without the possibility of parole, for first-degree criminal sexual conduct offenders whose victims are younger than 12 years old. Those found guilty of second-degree criminal sexual conduct will see a minimum of ten years in prison, up to a maximum of 20 years imprisonment, if the victim was under 12 years old.

Bill 183 also would allow judges to impose lifetime parole requirements for people convicted of first- and second-degree criminal sexual conduct.

This is essentially Guam's version of "Jessica's Law" from Florida, which was named after Jessica Lunsford, a 9-year-old girl who was abducted, raped and murdered by John Couey, a convicted sex offender.

Attorney General Douglas Moylan not only expressed support for Bill 183, but also advocated for mandatory life sentences without parole for those who fall under the measure's purview. 

'Guam has too many sexual offenders and pedophiles per capita. ... But I'm here to talk about the logistics of the problems that we've been seeing, and how important it is not only that the Legislature pass what is the equivalent of Jessica's Law, but that you take away any discretion with the courts. That if our juries determine guilt for a pedophile - characterized as (having a victim) 12 and under, I guess, as the law talks about - that you have mandatory life sentences without parole,' Moylan said Monday.

'People might think that that's harsh, but I believe the psychiatric professionals will tell you that the ability to reform a sexual predator, or pedophile specifically, are very low. Once a pedophile, always a pedophile,' Moylan added."

Sunday, March 24, 2024

FAUX News contributor Hannah Grossman is very gross, man

This is Hannah Grossman, a contributor at the much-maligned Fox "News" site. She's built a reputation for herself as someone who regularly publishes articles attacking educators, causing them to get harassed or worse. 

It should come as no surpise, then, that Grossman attacks one of the few educators willing to publicly admit that the registry is useless and needs to be abolished. While I don't always share Ackerman's views, especially on her stance on the "origins of rape", I agree the registry is worthless and should be abolished.

Biden admin hires accused 'sex offender lover' who calls to abolish sex offense registry for DoD consulting

Hannah Grossman, Published March 21, 2024 5:00am EDT

The Biden administration contracted with an outside group that specializes in restorative justice for sex crimes whose "owner" advocates for abolishing the sex offender registry for the Pentagon's rape prevention office. 

Restorative justice in cases of rape redresses the matter – not through punitive punishment – but conversation between the two parties its proponents claim will show the assailant the harm their actions caused and prevent reoffending behavior. 

The Pentagon's Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO) sought in 2022 to create a "Restorative Justice Model for the Military Justice System," according to federal records reviewed by Fox News Digital. 

In 2023, the rape prevention office hired Ampersands Restorative Justice (ARJ) – the "first and only organization to focus exclusively on restorative justice for sexual harms" – for a one-year contract to develop the "restorative just model," costing taxpayers $239,890. The contract ended in February 2024. 


Dr. Alissa Ackerman, the "owner" of ARJ, has publicly called for abolishing the sex offender registry. 

"We should just abolish the registry," Ackerman said during an online webinar in May 2021. "We shouldn't have a registry because… we are putting people on registries for things that the registry was never intended for. But it makes people feel good."

The general public supports the registry "because of this belief that people who sexually offend are dangerous," according to Ackerman. "So, how does a registry that tells you, 'Oh, somebody who committed a sex offense lives within a mile of you,' how does that do anything to keep you safe?"

"We have a tendency to monsterize people who have perpetrated harm," she said. 

She also claimed sex offender laws are isolating to rapists. "These policies further isolate people. They do not rehabilitate, they do not restore - they pull families apart - and they are not necessarily what people who experienced sexual harm want." 

Rapists, after all, "might not consent to being labeled" as a sex offender. 

"When we label people with things that they might not consent to being labeled, we diminish the humanity, and we diminish their dignity," Ackerman said during October 2023 interview with The Representation Project. 

Another reason that Ackerman believes the sex offender registry should be abolished is because, she argued, it was created in purported hysteria after high-profile crimes of "White children" who were raped, and that it wasn't the response minority communities may have needed. 

"These laws are all named after White children," she said. 

"The very legislation that we use post-conviction does not reflect the reality of most people who experience sexual harm, especially people of color," Ackerman said in January 2022. 


Ackerman's views and advocacy of restorative justice for sex crimes have caused critics to call her a "rape apologist" and "sex offender lover," she said. 

"I fully recognize that this is a controversial and confronting concept to embrace. It makes sense to me why I have been called a sex offender lover and a rape apologist, but I still wholeheartedly believe in the restorative justice process," Ackerman said at a Ted Talk in 2019.

Building "a world restored from sexual harm," Ackerman explained, requires recognizing the humanity of sex criminals. The professor refers to convicted rapists as "people who have sexually harmed." 

Alissa Ackerman attributes rape to "White supremacy and patriarchy."

"People are so much more than the worst thing they've ever done or the worst thing that's ever happened to them. In my work, I use ‘person who has sexually harmed’, ‘person who has authored sexual harm,'" she said.

Ackerman's work has focused on "General Strain Theory" (GST), which was developed by a criminologist named Robert Agnew, who believed that people become criminals because of their circumstances, as opposed to free will. Criminals, he argued, are under some sort of "strain" of "negative emotions" which compel the negative behavior. 

When viewing sex criminals through the lens of (GST), Ackerman wrote a 2012 article titled, "Can general strain theory be used to explain recidivism among registered sex offenders?" The article states sex offender registry laws "may have the unintended effect of increasing reoffending."


Ackerman has said the goal of restorative justice is to be "equitable" and that practioners need to have a "race-conscious lens" and be "committed to anti-racism." 

According to Ackerman, "The root cause [of rape] is White supremacy and patriarchy at a macro level," she said. "So we can keep trying to punish bad actors, but if we do not address the macro level issue, which is White supremacy and patriarchy, we will not do away with sexual violence and domestic violence."

Accordingly, those who mediate a restorative justice circle between a rapist and victim must "acknowledge White supremacy and their White privilege. Until restorative justice practitioners contend with issues of racism and White supremacy, we limit our ability to make actual change," Ackerman said in a City University of New York Law Review article published in 2022.


Along with Ackerman, ARJ was founded by Dr. Guila Benchimol and Kevin Lynch. Benchimol and Ackerman are both survivors of rape and Lynch said he committed a rape, according to their website. Lynch was publicly open about committing a "date rape" in 2016 in a column for The Huffington Post. 

"I’m writing because I don’t think I’m alone… I’m talking about the silent majority of ‘pretty good guys’ who have done it too. Perhaps you are one of them?" he said. 

Ampersands restorative justice department of defense

"I’ve… copped a feel on a crowded train. I’ve stolen second base or third when the girl wanted to stop at first. One time — young, drunk, stoned, and inexcusably — I ignored an equally inebriated young woman’s unmistakable murmured "no" and went all the way. Today, we call that date rape. Back then, I didn’t even know the words.

Lynch was with ARJ for over two years before leaving the organization in February 2023, the same time ARJ's contract with the DoD began. 

Lynch did not immediately return a request for comment. 

Ackerman acknowledges restorative justice can only work in cases where there is a likelihood of not reoffending. 

"There are some people for whom restorative justice will never be the right option," Ackerman wrote in the CUNY Law Review article. "This is true both for people who have experienced sexual harm and those who have perpetrated it. People must be ready for the process, and some might not have the capacity with which to do so."  

When a victim uses Ampersand services, it does not mean they can't pursue criminal action, but Ackerman does say the organization takes steps to protect the alleged sex criminal by not taking written notes in meetings which could later be exposed in discovery. 

"We explain to the harm doer, we are not attorneys. These are not privileged conversations. If at any point the survivor decides they want to go through a criminal legal process, we can be subpoenaed, but we take precautions to protect our client. So I don't keep any written notes about things that harm or [that they] say to me, in an effort to protect them," she said in the Representation Project interview.

Ackerman did not respond to a request for comment. 

When asked about ARJ, a defense official told Fox News, "The Department of Defense adheres to the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and Defense Federal Acquisition Supplement (DFAR) when executing contract and acquisition activities. Of note, DoD contracts with organizations for capabilities and services, not specific individuals."

The DoD initially told Fox News Digital the funding to ARJ was "for research purposes only." The funds to ARJ were disbursed by the DoD under a contract code for "support" or "professional" services. 

The Pentagon said there are no current plans to implement restorative justice for sexual assault cases in the military. 

The Defense Human Resources Activity, which oversees the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office, is the agency that contracted ARJ. 

In addition to collaborating with the Department of Defense, Ampersands works with district attorneys to bring a restorative justice model to sex crimes. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Reverend Timothy Faber of the Missouri Baptist Convention shows why many people say there's no hate like "Christian love"

I am not anti-Christian, but I AM opposed to those who engage in atrocious behavior under the Christian banner. The "Reverend" Timothy Faber of the Missouri Baptist Convention is already a controversial figure. But in a Missouri legislative hearing, Faber perpetuated the myth that people on the registry cannot be cured as he spoke in support of a bill to create the death penalty for those convicted of offenses not involving murder. 

That's certainly opposed to Christ's teachings, yet this clown dares call himself a "Reverend."

The Rev. Timothy Faber testified in support of Moon’s bill, pointing to the “lifelong repercussions” of child rape and trafficking.

“It’s also a well established fact that those who commit sexual crimes seldom if ever change their ways,” he said. “Once a sexual offender, always a sexual offender.”

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Extremist KY State Senator Lindsey Tichenor denies Registered Persons the right to anonymous speech

KY State Sen. Lindsey Tichenor, standing
in front of a place she shouldn't be
Kuntyucky State Senator Lindsey Tichenor sponsored a bill that prohibits Persons Forced to Register from using an anonymous name on social media. Personally, I have no issue using my real name online, but with it comes the occasional death threat, nasty comment, and even denial of services from certain social media outlets. 

There are a few things I dislike about my current state of residence (Nebraska), but we don't have to turn over Internet identifiers here because the courts deemed that unconstitutional

Tichenor is attempting to chill free speech in a roundabout way. By requiring Persons Forced to Register to use their real names on social media, she is opening them up to harassment by vigilante scumbags. Furthermore, some social media outlets like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok have policies prohibiting Registrants from using the platform, so using real names will deny them the right to speak out against these laws with the protection of anonymity. This is typical fascism from the party of Trump. 

Kentucky Senate passes bill requiring s*x offenders to use real names on social media

By: Web Staff
Posted at 10:18 AM, Mar 07, 2024 and last updated 9:18 AM, Mar 07, 2024

(LEX 18) — The Kentucky Senate passed Bill 249, which would require s*x offenders to use their real names on social media.

The bill was sponsored by Senator Lindsey Tichenor of the 6th district, who says the bill will "make efforts to protect the community from online s*xual p***ators."

According to officials, if violated, offenders can face a Class A misdemeanor for the first offense and a Class D felony for subsequent violations.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Louisiana House Bill 166 will bring the Eugenics Program back to the US

FloriDUH (and I-DUH-ho) are both pushing to overturn Kennedy v Louisiana, and now LOSERanna is seeking to overturn an even older SCOTUS ruling, Skinner v. State of Oklahoma, ex rel. Williamson, 316 U.S. 535 (1942), which had ruled that laws permitting the compulsory sterilization of criminals violates the Equal Protection Clause and the Due Process Clause of the US Constitution. 

This is obviously not about anything but causing blatant harm to Persons Forced to Register.


To enact R.S. 14:46.5, relative to sex offenses; to provide for a penalty; and to provide for related matters.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of Louisiana:

Section 1. R.S. 14:46.5 is hereby enacted to read as follows:

§46.5. Vasectomy procedure after conviction of a sex offense; additional penalty

7 In addition to any other penalties provided by law, any person who is convicted of a sex offense as defined in R.S. 15:541 shall be subject to a vasectomy procedure.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Missouri House Bill 2885 will make teachers register as "sex offenders" If they accept trans kids' pronouns

HB2885's sponsor
I thought at first this was hyperbole, but then I read the description of the bill on the Missouri House of Representatives website. Missouri HB 2885 "establishes the offense of contributing to social transition and requires a person to be placed on the sexual offender registry if guilty of the offense of contributing to social transition." If this bill passes, a teacher could be placed on the registry as a Tier 1 & be banned from residing near schools.

Adds new subsection 566.400. 

1. A person commits the offense of contributing to social transition if the person is acting in his or her official capacity as a teacher or school counselor and the person provides support, regardless of whether the support is material, information, or other resources to a child regarding social transition.

2. The offense of contributing to social transition is a class E felony.

3. As used in this section, the following terms mean:

(1) "Child", a person under eighteen years of age;

(2) "Social transition", the process by which an individual adopts the name, pronouns, and gender expression, such as clothing or haircuts, that match the individual's gender identity and not the gender assumed by the individual's sex at birth;

(3) "Teacher", as that term is defined in subdivisions (4), (5), and (7) of section 168.104.

589.414., subsection 5. Tier I sexual offenders, in addition to the requirements of subsections 1 to 4 of this section, shall report in person to the chief law enforcement official annually in the month of their birth to verify the information contained in their statement made pursuant to section 589.407. Tier I sexual offenders include...

(p) Contributing to social transition under section 566.400;