Blogroll of nominees for the Annual Shiitake Awards, which spotlights the dumbest "sex offender-related stories of the year." The Shiitake Awards is a project of Once Fallen. For a full description of the Shiitake Awards and its mission, or to learn how to submit a nominee, click on the "About the Shiitake Awards" tab. Articles on this site fall under Fair Use Doctrine (Copyright Act of 1976, 17 USC 107) for purposes related to news, information, and social commentary.
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
NY State Senator Jeffrey Klein's "Ticking Time Bombs" quote stolen straight from Lauren "The Bimbo" Book
Has this clown been talking with Lauren Book?
Sen. Klein aims to close sex offender loophole
Posted: Aug 29, 2017 5:07 PM EDT
Updated: Aug 29, 2017 5:08 PM EDT
State Sen. Jeffrey Klein says a state law designed to keep sex offenders away from schools doesn't include universal pre-K and kindergarten facilities.
Kindergarten and pre-kindergarten programs that exist physically outside of actual school buildings do not receive protection under the law barring convicted sex offenders from living within 1,000 feet.
"What we found was astonishing," Klein says. "These ticking time bombs can attack our kids at any time, and the law unfortunately isn't there to protect them."
Members of the Independent Democratic Conference, which Klein heads, say they looked at 1,800 standalone pre-K and kindergarten centers in the city and found 93 registered sex offenders living within the 1,000-foot boundary.
Legislation that would place restrictions on the most violent sex offenders from living near kindergartens and pre-kindergartens has passed in the state Senate, and Klein is urging the Assembly to approve it too.
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Cheryl K. Chumley, alt-right nut, uses Predator Panic to promote Trump's stupid anti-Immigrant policies
This same piece of trash wrote a piece in favor of pardoning Joe Arpaio, so I wasn't expecting an award winning journalist.
And soe of you wonder why I have no love for Conservatards.
ICE bust of sex offenders underscores horrors of sanctuary cities
By Cheryl K. Chumley - The Washington Times - Thursday, August 10, 2017
Liberals like to say illegals only come to the United States for job opportunities, to help their families, or to flee persecution.
Some. Others, though, come to prey on little kids and to have illegal sex with minors. Still others — to rape adult women.
And we know this because agents with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement just busted a bunch of them who were taking advantage of Long Island’s quasi-sanctuary policies to hide their sexual-offense pasts.
And all the liberals go — silent.
It’s quasi because both Suffolk and Nassau counties, home of the majority of Long Island’s municipalities, were until very recently, declared and open sanctuaries for illegals.
But post-President Trump, the jurisdictions, fearing loss of federal funds, made great noise to show they’ve reversed those policies and turned from their sanctuary ways. Saying and doing are two different beasts, though.
What’s on paper may not actually work its way into real life.
What’s written as rule may be tacitly overlooked.
For instance, if a liberal enclave wanted to shelter illegals while appearing to comply with federal immigration policy, it would seem fairly simple for politicians to write one set of rules but speak quietly to police and law enforcers of another set.
Regardless, until just recently, Long Island was an open and welcome embrace for illegals. And this is where it’s led.
Called Operation SOAR, for Sex Offender Alien Removal, the 10-day ICE mission led to the arrest of 32 with past criminal convictions that ranged from sexual abuse to attempted rape. Twelve of the 32 arrested were actually registered sex offenders.
Let’s look at the list of these fine upstanding members of sanctuary city society, shall we?
Agents arrested a Salvadoran national, age 24, who’s facing first-degree sexual abuse charges over alleged contact with a little girl — age 4.
Agents arrested a 36-year-old Guatemalan national with a previous conviction of second-degree rape and child endangerment involving a 13 year old.
Agents arrested a 32-year-old Honduran with previous convictions tied to sexual abuse and endangering the welfare of a child, this time age 15.
All three are now facing deportation proceedings. And that’s just a drop in the scum bucket of the 32 whom ICE rounded up and detained.
A press release from the agency sums the charges on these dirty dozens this way: “Criminal histories of those arrested during the operation are as follows: acting in a manner to injure a child, assault, third degree attempted rape, burglary, attempted sexual abuse, criminal sex act, endangering the welfare of a child, endangering the welfare of a physically disabled person, forcible touching, promoting a sexual performance by a child, public lewdness, first degree rape, second degree rape, third degree rape, reckless endangerment, first degree sexual abuse, second degree sexual abuse, sexual abuse, forcible compulsion, sexual contact with an individual incapable of consent and sexual misconduct.”
That’s quite a mouthful.
And among the arrested were those who entered America illegally from the likes of the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico — some of the places, for instance, that Trump on the campaign trail referenced as sending their worst across the borders.
For that, Trump was vilified. But now?
Reality strikes. And it goes like this: Open borders bring danger. Sanctuary cities and jurisdictions are enablers. And Long Island’s arrests show, if nothing else, just how dug-in the left has become on its all-courts-press for amnesty and sieve-like borders that its leaders would seem to cavalierly trade law and order — and the safety of its most vulnerable populations, the children — for some of the most evil of society. Oh, that the left would open its eyes on the perils of sanctuary jurisdictions and discard these harmful, horrific policies.
And soe of you wonder why I have no love for Conservatards.
ICE bust of sex offenders underscores horrors of sanctuary cities
By Cheryl K. Chumley - The Washington Times - Thursday, August 10, 2017
Liberals like to say illegals only come to the United States for job opportunities, to help their families, or to flee persecution.
Some. Others, though, come to prey on little kids and to have illegal sex with minors. Still others — to rape adult women.
And we know this because agents with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement just busted a bunch of them who were taking advantage of Long Island’s quasi-sanctuary policies to hide their sexual-offense pasts.
And all the liberals go — silent.
It’s quasi because both Suffolk and Nassau counties, home of the majority of Long Island’s municipalities, were until very recently, declared and open sanctuaries for illegals.
But post-President Trump, the jurisdictions, fearing loss of federal funds, made great noise to show they’ve reversed those policies and turned from their sanctuary ways. Saying and doing are two different beasts, though.
What’s on paper may not actually work its way into real life.
What’s written as rule may be tacitly overlooked.
For instance, if a liberal enclave wanted to shelter illegals while appearing to comply with federal immigration policy, it would seem fairly simple for politicians to write one set of rules but speak quietly to police and law enforcers of another set.
Regardless, until just recently, Long Island was an open and welcome embrace for illegals. And this is where it’s led.
Called Operation SOAR, for Sex Offender Alien Removal, the 10-day ICE mission led to the arrest of 32 with past criminal convictions that ranged from sexual abuse to attempted rape. Twelve of the 32 arrested were actually registered sex offenders.
Let’s look at the list of these fine upstanding members of sanctuary city society, shall we?
Agents arrested a Salvadoran national, age 24, who’s facing first-degree sexual abuse charges over alleged contact with a little girl — age 4.
Agents arrested a 36-year-old Guatemalan national with a previous conviction of second-degree rape and child endangerment involving a 13 year old.
Agents arrested a 32-year-old Honduran with previous convictions tied to sexual abuse and endangering the welfare of a child, this time age 15.
All three are now facing deportation proceedings. And that’s just a drop in the scum bucket of the 32 whom ICE rounded up and detained.
A press release from the agency sums the charges on these dirty dozens this way: “Criminal histories of those arrested during the operation are as follows: acting in a manner to injure a child, assault, third degree attempted rape, burglary, attempted sexual abuse, criminal sex act, endangering the welfare of a child, endangering the welfare of a physically disabled person, forcible touching, promoting a sexual performance by a child, public lewdness, first degree rape, second degree rape, third degree rape, reckless endangerment, first degree sexual abuse, second degree sexual abuse, sexual abuse, forcible compulsion, sexual contact with an individual incapable of consent and sexual misconduct.”
That’s quite a mouthful.
And among the arrested were those who entered America illegally from the likes of the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico — some of the places, for instance, that Trump on the campaign trail referenced as sending their worst across the borders.
For that, Trump was vilified. But now?
Reality strikes. And it goes like this: Open borders bring danger. Sanctuary cities and jurisdictions are enablers. And Long Island’s arrests show, if nothing else, just how dug-in the left has become on its all-courts-press for amnesty and sieve-like borders that its leaders would seem to cavalierly trade law and order — and the safety of its most vulnerable populations, the children — for some of the most evil of society. Oh, that the left would open its eyes on the perils of sanctuary jurisdictions and discard these harmful, horrific policies.
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Pseudo-Christian Ron Jackson misquotes "The Good Book" in OpEd supporting vigilante actions against registrants

As an aside, I've been emailing him all this week. Here are a few of his responses, leaving out the veiled personal attacks:
"I have never said I was a Christian. And I don't claim to be Jesus. You are correct. I have given no thought to those justifiably on the registry. And you have provided no incentive to do so." -- Then why quote Scripture?
"Im not the criminal. I dont need reform." -- I beg to differ.
"Scriptures are like item on a buffet tablet. We pick and choose the interpretation that suits our personal moral palates." -- Interestingly, that's he's doing.
"Provide facts. Ill consider using them. Not alternative facts and propaganda. Im in excellent health and can offer proof." -- Obviously anyone who uses the term "Alternative Facts" is a Trumptard. Interestingly, he hasn't provided ANY facts.
After sending him a ton of actual research: "I'll peruse these 'facts' this weekend." He still hasn't offered any facts, but you have to enjoy that snarky tone.
Ron Jackson: We all must provide protection from sex offenders
When it comes to protecting children, it truly takes a village. Or, it should. Especially when it comes to keeping children safe from sex offenders. The mere mention of a child sex offender can conjure up uncontrollable emotions. The reality of a child sex offender frequenting your neighborhood sometimes warrants a drastic response.
What to do with child sex offenders is not an easy topic to discuss. Typically, it isn't an everyday debate if they are not in my backyard or NIMBY. But, what can a citizen do when they learn a registered child sex offender is spending a considerable amount of time in an area where children might frequent? And when it appears the sex offender might have a right to be in that area.
One local man's discovery of a convicted child sex offender hanging around and possibly living near his home led to a crusade to protect his and other children in his neighborhood. He found a cache of tools and electronic parts hidden near a bike and walking path. He photographed them along with the man's profile on the state sex offender registration website and a copy of the sex offender's local registration that indicated he was homeless.
After getting a less than satisfactory response from law enforcement, the father took his dilemma to social media. The offender is a 70 year-old homeless man whose last conviction was 21 years ago. One offense included use of a weapon and a 5-year-old victim.
Granted, no one wants a person with a penchant for unlawful sex acts with a child lurking in their community. But, society has said the man served his time for his crime and is free to roam about the neighborhood. As much as we all agree child sex crimes are as low as a human can go, the law doesn't deem such offenders worthy of being put away forever. The offender gets his or her life back. The victim never does. (Bullshit)
If convicted, after a few years in the slammer, sex offenders are free to return to society. Of course, there are a few restrictions. They must register with local authorities. They are not supposed to be within predetermined proximity of places where children frequent. They are not allowed on social media.
So, how does one man make sure his children are safe? Who else will help make sure the guy doesn't find another victim? Why can't this creep be moved to another neighborhood? Well, honestly, because this offender is not in our backyard. Or so, we might think. There are hundreds of registered sex offenders in our county. It is only because of this one citizen's vigilance, that we are aware of this particular one hanging out on a bike trail.
And when the father asks for help, there is none available. The offender can't be arrested just because he exists. He is homeless and that, in itself, is not a crime. If the sex offender has not committed a crime or a violation of his release, what can law enforcement do? The Good Book says we should tie a heavy stone around the child sex offender's neck and drop him in the deepest part of the sea, but we are selective when it comes to the Good Book.
This case is just another example of the often repeated story about four citizens named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry with that because it was Everybody's job.
Until Everybody steps up, it is your job to protect your children and your neighborhood against offenders that society says have the right to be there.
Sigmund Freud said, "I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father's protection."
This one father's actions reaffirms that.
Monday, August 14, 2017
Battle Creek MI refuses to let registered citizen open a place of business to help the hungry and poor
After reading stories like this, people should be able to understand why i'm a bitter man. Here's an idea, instead of trying to help a bunch of ungrateful pricks, use your ideas to benefit registered citizens and their loved ones instead.
Sex offender warned to stay away from his own business
Noe Hernandez, Battle Creek Enquirer Published 3:40 p.m. ET Aug. 9, 2017 | Updated 4:38 p.m. ET Aug. 9, 2017
A convicted sex offender who plans on opening a shop next to a toy store in downtown Battle Creek has been told by police he cannot be at his business and has been asked by his business partner to step down.
Reece Adkins, who pleaded guilty to second-degree criminal sexual conduct with a person under 13 in May 2000, plans to open Cereal City Food Auction, at 56 W. Michigan Ave., on Aug. 26.
Major Jim Grafton of the Battle Creek Police Department said Wednesday that Adkins was told Monday not to be in the space that houses his business because it is within 1,000 feet of Battle Creek Central High School and St. Philip Catholic schools.
Adkins, who is required to register with the state as a sex offender for the rest of his life, is prohibited by law from working or living within 1,000 feet of a school.
"He is not within his guidelines," Grafton said. "We've advised the gentleman that he cannot be at 56 W. Michigan Ave."
Adkins's business partner, Cindy Dian, said Tuesday that she has asked him to publicly step down after reports of his criminal past surfaced in the media.
"The idea of the business is to help low-income people with food," Dian said. "I have taken this week off to think and pray as to how to proceed.
"I feel that the damage that has been done by the media is irreparable," she added. "There's no way that any business can start after this, but, if told that I have to, I will try my best."
Adkins, a former independent contractor for the Battle Creek Enquirer who delivered newspapers, said Tuesday that he doesn't know if he will step down.
Three weeks ago, he said, a Battle Creek Police Department employee who works with registered sex offenders told him that he could open the business because it was more than 1,000 feet from a school.
The same officer, Adkins said, told him Monday that the shop actually was within 1,000 feet of a school.
Grafton said the department did tell Adkins the business was more than 1,000 feet from a school. He said Adkins first told the officer in charge of tracking registered sex offenders that the business was at 56 Michigan Ave.
Grafton said his department later informed Adkins of the mistake after the officer checked to verify the location and realized it was within 1,000 feet of a school because it was located on 56 W. Michigan Ave., not 56 E. Michigan Ave.
Adkins said he's now launched an investigation into the matter. "I don't know if I'm going to step down or not because my investigation is not done," Adkins said.
Adkins said he believes he has paid his debt to society.
"It's something that's behind me," Adkins said Friday. "I've learned from the mistakes. I'm trying to move forward because a lot of people have criminal histories.
"It's something you don't need to live the rest of your life against," he added. "I've done my time; I deserve a chance. I've been out of the community going on five years now and I've not been in trouble since."
Adkins was sentenced to four years, two months to 15 years in June 2000, He was released in 2010, returned to prison in 2012 on a technicality, and then was released for good in 2014.
The new business, Cereal City Food Auction, also would be located next to Hall of Toys.
Hall of Toys owners Brett and Melanie Hall posted on Facebook that they were not aware that the new business next door would be run by a registered sex offender.
Brett Hall declined to comment Wednesday and referred a reporter to the Facebook post.
"As parents of young children ourselves, we understand the concerns voiced by the community and have spoken to our landlord and the Downtown Development Officer about helping that business find a location that is further away from a place where children regularly play," the post stated.
"We believe that a solution exists that allows the gentleman in question to have a fresh start while also ensuring the families that regularly visit us feel safe. We will stay abreast of the situation and would be happy to answer any questions you have. Thank you for your support in this matter."
Adkins tried to run for a seat on the city commission this year, but did not collect enough signatures by the registration deadline.
Related: Adkins off city candidate list after B.C. consults with state Elections Bureau
He also tried to run for a seat on the city commission in 1999, about a year before he pleaded guilty to the sexual assault charge.
Dian and Adkins said they signed a one-year lease with an option for three more years, but building owner John Hennink said Adkins is not on the lease.
"(Adkins) has no lease with me," Hennink said. "If Cindy wants out of the lease, I would be willing to do so. My lease is with her."
John Hart, the city's downtown development director, said he was not aware Adkins was opening a business downtown.
"Of course, we're concerned with the perception of the downtown being a safe place to live, work, play and invest in, but there's no real comment from us as it relates to someone's status with the law," Hart said Tuesday. "It only becomes a concern to us if there might be a situation with an owner that might rise to a police investigation.
"We don't pick and choose who opens a business," he added. "Society will decide by their pleasure or displeasure of an owner's actions whether they will frequent a store or not."
Adkins and Dian said their goal was to help low-income shoppers and others who need to make the most of their grocery money.
If opened, Cereal City Food Auction would have a platform and podium for an auctioneer and chairs for food shoppers. Each shopper would get a bidding paddle with a number on it. Shoppers would then bid for non-perishable food items, such as canned soups and fruits.
Sex offender warned to stay away from his own business
Noe Hernandez, Battle Creek Enquirer Published 3:40 p.m. ET Aug. 9, 2017 | Updated 4:38 p.m. ET Aug. 9, 2017
A convicted sex offender who plans on opening a shop next to a toy store in downtown Battle Creek has been told by police he cannot be at his business and has been asked by his business partner to step down.
Reece Adkins, who pleaded guilty to second-degree criminal sexual conduct with a person under 13 in May 2000, plans to open Cereal City Food Auction, at 56 W. Michigan Ave., on Aug. 26.
Major Jim Grafton of the Battle Creek Police Department said Wednesday that Adkins was told Monday not to be in the space that houses his business because it is within 1,000 feet of Battle Creek Central High School and St. Philip Catholic schools.
Adkins, who is required to register with the state as a sex offender for the rest of his life, is prohibited by law from working or living within 1,000 feet of a school.
"He is not within his guidelines," Grafton said. "We've advised the gentleman that he cannot be at 56 W. Michigan Ave."
Adkins's business partner, Cindy Dian, said Tuesday that she has asked him to publicly step down after reports of his criminal past surfaced in the media.
"The idea of the business is to help low-income people with food," Dian said. "I have taken this week off to think and pray as to how to proceed.
"I feel that the damage that has been done by the media is irreparable," she added. "There's no way that any business can start after this, but, if told that I have to, I will try my best."
Adkins, a former independent contractor for the Battle Creek Enquirer who delivered newspapers, said Tuesday that he doesn't know if he will step down.
Three weeks ago, he said, a Battle Creek Police Department employee who works with registered sex offenders told him that he could open the business because it was more than 1,000 feet from a school.
The same officer, Adkins said, told him Monday that the shop actually was within 1,000 feet of a school.
Grafton said the department did tell Adkins the business was more than 1,000 feet from a school. He said Adkins first told the officer in charge of tracking registered sex offenders that the business was at 56 Michigan Ave.
Grafton said his department later informed Adkins of the mistake after the officer checked to verify the location and realized it was within 1,000 feet of a school because it was located on 56 W. Michigan Ave., not 56 E. Michigan Ave.
Adkins said he's now launched an investigation into the matter. "I don't know if I'm going to step down or not because my investigation is not done," Adkins said.
Adkins said he believes he has paid his debt to society.
"It's something that's behind me," Adkins said Friday. "I've learned from the mistakes. I'm trying to move forward because a lot of people have criminal histories.
"It's something you don't need to live the rest of your life against," he added. "I've done my time; I deserve a chance. I've been out of the community going on five years now and I've not been in trouble since."
Adkins was sentenced to four years, two months to 15 years in June 2000, He was released in 2010, returned to prison in 2012 on a technicality, and then was released for good in 2014.
The new business, Cereal City Food Auction, also would be located next to Hall of Toys.
Hall of Toys owners Brett and Melanie Hall posted on Facebook that they were not aware that the new business next door would be run by a registered sex offender.
Brett Hall declined to comment Wednesday and referred a reporter to the Facebook post.
"As parents of young children ourselves, we understand the concerns voiced by the community and have spoken to our landlord and the Downtown Development Officer about helping that business find a location that is further away from a place where children regularly play," the post stated.
"We believe that a solution exists that allows the gentleman in question to have a fresh start while also ensuring the families that regularly visit us feel safe. We will stay abreast of the situation and would be happy to answer any questions you have. Thank you for your support in this matter."
Adkins tried to run for a seat on the city commission this year, but did not collect enough signatures by the registration deadline.
Related: Adkins off city candidate list after B.C. consults with state Elections Bureau
He also tried to run for a seat on the city commission in 1999, about a year before he pleaded guilty to the sexual assault charge.
Dian and Adkins said they signed a one-year lease with an option for three more years, but building owner John Hennink said Adkins is not on the lease.
"(Adkins) has no lease with me," Hennink said. "If Cindy wants out of the lease, I would be willing to do so. My lease is with her."
John Hart, the city's downtown development director, said he was not aware Adkins was opening a business downtown.
"Of course, we're concerned with the perception of the downtown being a safe place to live, work, play and invest in, but there's no real comment from us as it relates to someone's status with the law," Hart said Tuesday. "It only becomes a concern to us if there might be a situation with an owner that might rise to a police investigation.
"We don't pick and choose who opens a business," he added. "Society will decide by their pleasure or displeasure of an owner's actions whether they will frequent a store or not."
Adkins and Dian said their goal was to help low-income shoppers and others who need to make the most of their grocery money.
If opened, Cereal City Food Auction would have a platform and podium for an auctioneer and chairs for food shoppers. Each shopper would get a bidding paddle with a number on it. Shoppers would then bid for non-perishable food items, such as canned soups and fruits.
Friday, August 11, 2017
Jackson Co Sheriff (MO) Mike Sharp uses threats of arrest to charity helping registered citizens

Here's another "Christian" not doing what Jesus would do. The state law may be ambiguous, but most folks understand that loitering means "stand or wait around idly or without apparent purpose." Getting services to survive is not "loitering," Sheriff not-so-Sharp.
Threats to arrest convicted sex offenders at City Union Mission prompt federal lawsuit
AUGUST 10, 2017 10:52 AM
The Jackson County Sheriff’s Office is targeting some sex offenders for arrest at the City Union Mission because it sits near a park, according to a federal lawsuit alleging that the practice violates the charity’s constitutionally protected rights of religious freedom.
The suit centers on how the sheriff’s office interprets a Missouri law that prohibits certain offenders from “loitering” within 500 feet of a public park that contains a pool or playground equipment.
The mission operates several facilities in the 1100 block of East 10th Street near Margaret Kemp Park, and the sheriff’s office has interpreted that law to cover those offenders at the mission, according to the suit filed in U.S. District Court in Kansas City.
The suit contends that the Missouri law does not adequately define the term “loiter” and is unconstitutionally vague.
“We want to get that cleared up,” said Jonathan Whitehead, attorney for the mission. “Seeking shelter, food or prayer is not loitering.”
The sheriff’s office is now saying that the law “applies to kitchens and shelters of the mission, even though those buildings are being used for religious ministry and not for ‘loitering,’ ” according to the suit.
“As a result, the sheriff’s office has threatened to arrest certain mission employees or guests on mission property,” according to the suit.
That impinges on the constitutional rights of the mission, its employees and guests to exercise their religious faith, the suit claims.
Jackson County Sheriff Mike Sharp said his office is simply following the law.
“I am statutorily obligated to enforce the laws of Missouri,” Sharp said. “That includes sex offender laws, and I will continue to do so until I’m told otherwise by the courts.”
The Missouri law was enacted in 2009 and amended in 2014.
It affects people who have been convicted of seven crimes: incest; first-degree child endangerment; use of a child in a sexual performance; promoting a sexual performance by a child; sexual exploitation of a minor; promoting child pornography; and furnishing pornographic material to minors.
But it wasn’t until May 2016 when the sheriff’s office notified the mission that it was interpreting the law to include those offenders being present on any of the mission’s property because of its proximity to Kemp Park.
“Based on the May 2016 position, no affected person could seek shelter, food, worship, prayer or services on mission land,” according to the suit.
And the mission noted that it could be prosecuted for aiding and abetting or conspiracy if it allowed affected persons to use its facilities.
In September, the sheriff’s office once again amended its position to allow affected persons to be in or work in some of the mission’s buildings, but not all of them.
The suit says that because of the policy, the mission said it has had to: allow sheriff’s deputies to conduct “sweeps” of its facilities; turn away affected people who need and want its ministry services; and withdraw religious and other services or employment for people who desperately need it.
Whitehead, the mission’s attorney, said that although no one has yet been arrested, some people have been told that they can’t work there or seek shelter.
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