Blogroll of nominees for the Annual Shiitake Awards, which spotlights the dumbest "sex offender-related stories of the year." The Shiitake Awards is a project of Once Fallen. For a full description of the Shiitake Awards and its mission, or to learn how to submit a nominee, click on the "About the Shiitake Awards" tab. Articles on this site fall under Fair Use Doctrine (Copyright Act of 1976, 17 USC 107) for purposes related to news, information, and social commentary.
Sunday, July 26, 2020
BLM/ Cancel Culture activists bash Sheriff's Office for accepting "All Lives Matter" cake from Black Registrant
BLM and Cancel Culture find the phrase "All Lives Matter" offensive because not all lives matter to these activists. They certainly don't care about black lives when that black life says All Lives Matter, as is the case in this story.
To summarize the story, black man gives cops an All Lives Matter cake, pic was posted on social media, BLM/ Cancel Culture activists were triggered and dug up dirt on the black man, discovered he's a Registered Person, and went on the attack.
So, black lives only matter if they blindly support BLM? All of a sudden, a black man's records are taken into account? Records don't count when BLM is protesting for George Floyd. The hypocrisy of BLM and "Cancel Culture" is why I don't support them despite being liberal.
Bedford County Sheriff’s Office responds to post of registered sex offender presenting “All Lives Matter” cake
Staff Reports Jul 23, 2020 Updated Jul 23, 2020
The Bedford County Sheriff’s Office today responded to discussion concerning an image posted on its Facebook page last week of a registered sex offender holding a cake that appears to say “All Lives Matter.”
The original post is dated July 14 and shows Chris Pannell of Bedford giving the cake to the sheriff’s office. According to the Virginia Sex Offender Registry, Parnell’s date of conviction was Jan. 4, 2008, in Bedford Circuit Court under the aggravated sexual battery statute.
The original post reads (in italic):
Sheriff Miller and the men and women of the BCSO would like to thank The Patterson Family for the food donation yesterday that fed the employees. The barbecue, slaw, and brownies were delicious. We also appreciated the prayer that was give to us by this family.
Additionally, Chris Parnell came by yesterday with a cake showing his support for law enforcement. Who doesn't love a good cake??
We understand that there is a vast majority of citizens in Bedford that support and appreciate the hard work done by the dedicated men and women of the Sheriff’s Office. Thank you for your outpouring of support, we enjoy hearing positive comments from our community.
As of Tuesday night, the original post received hundred of likes and more than a hundred comments, mostly positive.
However, there were several comments visible that called out the sheriff’s office with remarks such as “So the people who swore to serve and protect have a registered sex offender holding an ‘All Lives Matter’ cake,” and, “This seems like the police are purposely doing this to rile up the community. Why would they post something like this during such a heated time in a long awaited, continued movement?”
In response to multiple comments about the photo, the sheriff’s office posted the following response today (in italic):
There has been much discussion on our Facebook page about a post from last week. The photo shows a member of our community donating a cake to the Sheriff’s Office. Although many appreciated this citizen's actions, others questioned his motives and bring up his past.
The Sheriff’s Office appreciates all our citizens. We further believe that even those with a prior criminal history should have the opportunity to turn their life around and fix the errors of their ways after their debt to society is paid.
The photo from last week reflects our relationship with the citizens of Bedford County, a relationship of mutual respect. We respect our citizens and understand that, just as individuals can make mistakes, they can also become contributing members of society. We appreciate the friendly gesture by Mr. Pannell and his attempt to build bridges during this difficult time for many members of our nation. The posting of this photo was meant as nothing more as a word of thanks for that effort. We apologize to anyone that may have misconstrued Mr. Pannell's actions or the actions of BCSO by posting it.
This isn’t the first time that a local sheriff’s office posted an “All Lives Matter” message that received backlash. The phrase is often used as a response to “Black Lives Matter,” in which opponents say the “All Lives Matter” phrase ignores the issues that the black community are facing.
A sheriff’s office in the area recently posted an image of a black person’s hand and white person’s hand crossed with pinkies locked and the words “All Lives Matter” below.
The sheriff’s office posted a follow-up post after receiving backlash in comments and explained that a volunteer had posted the image over a weekend and will have additional training about posting sensitive subjects.
The Smith Mountain Eagle had seen this post but cannot verify if it came from the Bedford County Sheriff’s Office’s Facebook page as it is not visible on the page.
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
NY ASSemblyman Brian Kolb's OpEd reminds us why conservatives make lousy criminal justice reformists
Alcohol is a dangerous drug. Just ask NY Assemblyman Brian Kolb. I wonder if he was drinking when he wrote his OpEd?
GUEST VIEW/BRIAN KOLB: Public safety should not be a partisan issue
Posted Jul 22, 2020 at 1:08 AM
Updated Jul 22, 2020 at 1:08 AM
The most important function of state government is to keep people safe. Public safety is the foundation. We can’t educate our children, create new jobs or even go about our daily routines if we can’t rely on law and order. We can’t build a stronger, more prosperous state out of chaos and lawlessness.
You wouldn’t think that would be a controversial opinion. You would think public safety would be a bipartisan priority. You might feel differently, however, if you’d been in Albany recently.
During this week’s correction committee meeting, Democrats voted against a series of Republican bills. They voted against a bill that would protect our correction officers by establishing safe-staffing standards in our correctional facilities. They voted against a bill that would improve the contraband screening process and keep weapons and drugs out of our prisons. They even voted against our bill preventing registered sex offenders from living within 1,350 feet of schools.
These are recent, concrete examples of a broader, troubling pattern — partisan politicians on the left have turned their backs on law enforcement and crime victims and continually cater to criminals and inmates.
“Defund the police” isn’t just a slogan for radical Democrats. Sen. Ramos called for it on the Senate Floor. Democrats have ignored the pleas of district attorneys, law enforcement officials and crime victims from across the state who know we need to repeal their dangerous changes to our bail laws. Democrats won’t pass Brittany’s Law, legislation that would create a violent offender registry and protect New Yorkers from violent criminals. Instead, they’ll allow domestic abusers to walk out of their arraignments and back on to the street with no possibility for pre-trial detention.
This administration has paroled cop-killers and terrorists. This administration pardoned sex offenders and restored their voting rights so they could cast their ballots in schools across the state.
In New York City, Mayor de Blasio bragged about cutting the NYPD budget by $1 billion at a time when shootings are up 63% over last year. It’s not just a downstate issue. In Rochester, homicides are up 40%.
We need dedicated, principled police officers now more than ever. It’s a shame that radical politicians on the left are willing to demonize their entire profession just to score cheap political points. The disrespect and hostility toward law enforcement officials who put their lives on the line to protect our families and our communities is disgusting.
Recently, county sheriffs from across the state held a press conference to advocate for legislation that would deter radical leftists from attacking them, increase penalties for resisting arrest and make it a felony to throw dangerous projectiles at officers in the line of duty. Wouldn’t it be nice to see Democrats support our law enforcement officials for a change?
What do you think? I want to hear from you. Send me your feedback, suggestions and ideas regarding this or any other issue facing New York State. You can always contact my district office at 315-781-2030, email me at, or find me by searching for Assemblyman Brian Kolb on Facebook.
New York State Assemblyman Brian Kolb represents the 131st District, which includes Ontario County and part of Seneca County.
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Cassandra Ruwaldt pushes to have wooden train display destroyed because it was built by someone convicted of sex offense

Cancel Culture Strikes Again! Alleged abuse victim Karen... er, Cassandra Ruwaldt, claimed this train was built by her grandfather, who she claims abused her. She discovered this train was bought and repurposed for a town display, so instead oof simply not going by the wooden train, she went looking for it, even having her picture taken with it TWICE. Oh, but she can't stand the sight of it because it "triggers" her so she made a Facebook group and a petition page to have it destroyed. So now the city bent the knee to this Karen, she gets her 15 minutes, and everybody "wins."
After a day of outcry, Metolius officials destroy controversial wooden train
Mayor Carl Elliott doesn't explain decision
By GARRETT ANDREWS The Bulletin Jul 17, 2020 Updated Jul 17, 2020
METOLIUS — Thursday night, following a day of public outcry, a worker for the city of Metolius used a backhoe to smash up a controversial wooden train and then hauled it to a landfill.
“It’s resolved. It’s over,” Metolius Code Enforcement manager James Stratton said Friday, declining to provide specifics about the train, which was built by a convicted child sex offender.
In 2019, city leaders bought the train for $500 off Craigslist and invested $2,500 refurbishing it. Then Madras woman Cassie Ruwaldt told them it had been the backdrop of years of sexual abuse at the hands of her stepfather, Richard Eugene Pickett, who’s serving a 36-year prison sentence for child rape and child pornography.
Ruwaldt was not able to reach an agreement with the City Council, which would have sold her the train for $3,000.
The six-member council unanimously approved displaying the train outside City Hall at a July 6 meeting.
Councilors said they were prepared to deal with any negative attention the train might receive. But after a Bulletin story Thursday, the fallout for leaders in Metolius was swift and severe, with calls and emails flooding City Hall. The city shut down its Facebook page after being inundated with negative reviews.
Councilors reported receiving death threats and threats to burn down City Hall in addition to the train, according to Jefferson County Sheriff Jim Adkins.
Reached at his business, Double E RV Repair, Metolius Mayor Carl Elliott, who supported displaying the train, had little to say.
“It’s resolved. It’s destroyed. I don’t have to make no comments to you,” he said.
Around Metolius on Friday, some residents favored not displaying the train.
“There’s a stigma to the wooden train,” said Fred Garrett. “If you are the victim and you have to drive by and see the train, you know what the individual that built it did. That’s always going to be there in your constant memory.”
Thursday was a big day for Ruwaldt, 29. By the end of it, she had a movement of supporters behind her organized on a Facebook page, “STOP THE TRAIN.” Petitions calling for the train’s removal had thousands of signatures and a GoFundMe page had raised hundreds of dollars to purchase the train.
Ruwaldt had hoped to burn the train publicly in honor of victims of abuse.
“The community and other victims wanted to be part of that destruction, so I’m not sure what this was,” she told The Bulletin.
“This was supposed to be for victims to stand up and gather together.”
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Brevard County FL commissioner John Tobia is pushing to make random businesses restricted for Registered Persons
It is FloriDUH, and another braindead pol. And despite what the article below states, this doucherag's last name is Tobia, not Tobias. (I'd argue his name should be Labia)
Sex Offenders Could be Barred from Certain Businesses, if a Brevard Commissioner gets his way
PUBLISHED 12:15 PM ET JUL. 17, 2020
BREVARD COUNTY, Fla. – A Brevard County commissioner is hoping to take a state law even further.
What You Need To Know
Ordinance seeks to restrict sex offenders from certain businesses
Offenders would be able to be within 1,000 feet of businesses where children congregate
Brevard County commissioners will take up the agenda item next week
As it stands, any person convicted of sex offenses involving minors cannot live within 1,000 feet of a school, child care facility, park or playground. The county's current ordinance only states offenders cannot be within 1,000 feet from a school, daycare or playground.
County Commissioner John Tobias is hopeful that list will soon include some local businesses.
“It's an ordinance at the county level. State has a buffer and we've expanded that,” he said.
According to Tobias, the fiscal impact is minimal – creating and maintaining a registry and enforcing it.
“It would give law enforcement the ability to arrest one of these offenders or predators who are within that 1,000 foot buffer from the business,” Tobias said.
Obloy Family Ranch owner Eric Obloy said he's excited about being part of a new voluntary registry, certifying their business is a place where children regularly congregate, which would restrict sexual offenders and sexual predators from coming within 1,000 feet of the business.
“I'll be one of the first ones to sign up, protecting our kids and community,” Obloy said. “I think our county commissioner hit a home run on this one.”
Opting in is free for business, and as Saracco Law Attorney Michael Saracco said, it's perfectly legal.
“I personally think they can, but enforcement will the issue – something enforced if caught doing something else on the property,” Saracco said.
As a father and business owner, Obloy said sign him up, and he hopes other business sign up too. This will give children going to camps and places where kids hangout an extra layer of protection.
“If we stay on the path of virtual schools, we are going to see a lot more kids throughout the year. So, having this protection on top of that so much more of a piece of mind,” Obloy said.
The registry would be valid for a year with the option to renew.
The agenda item will go in front of county commissioners next Tuesday.
Sex Offenders Could be Barred from Certain Businesses, if a Brevard Commissioner gets his way
PUBLISHED 12:15 PM ET JUL. 17, 2020
BREVARD COUNTY, Fla. – A Brevard County commissioner is hoping to take a state law even further.
What You Need To Know
Ordinance seeks to restrict sex offenders from certain businesses
Offenders would be able to be within 1,000 feet of businesses where children congregate
Brevard County commissioners will take up the agenda item next week
As it stands, any person convicted of sex offenses involving minors cannot live within 1,000 feet of a school, child care facility, park or playground. The county's current ordinance only states offenders cannot be within 1,000 feet from a school, daycare or playground.
County Commissioner John Tobias is hopeful that list will soon include some local businesses.
“It's an ordinance at the county level. State has a buffer and we've expanded that,” he said.
According to Tobias, the fiscal impact is minimal – creating and maintaining a registry and enforcing it.
“It would give law enforcement the ability to arrest one of these offenders or predators who are within that 1,000 foot buffer from the business,” Tobias said.
Obloy Family Ranch owner Eric Obloy said he's excited about being part of a new voluntary registry, certifying their business is a place where children regularly congregate, which would restrict sexual offenders and sexual predators from coming within 1,000 feet of the business.
“I'll be one of the first ones to sign up, protecting our kids and community,” Obloy said. “I think our county commissioner hit a home run on this one.”
Opting in is free for business, and as Saracco Law Attorney Michael Saracco said, it's perfectly legal.
“I personally think they can, but enforcement will the issue – something enforced if caught doing something else on the property,” Saracco said.
As a father and business owner, Obloy said sign him up, and he hopes other business sign up too. This will give children going to camps and places where kids hangout an extra layer of protection.
“If we stay on the path of virtual schools, we are going to see a lot more kids throughout the year. So, having this protection on top of that so much more of a piece of mind,” Obloy said.
The registry would be valid for a year with the option to renew.
The agenda item will go in front of county commissioners next Tuesday.
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