Saturday, March 1, 2025

Brownshirt Putnam Co FL Sheriff Homer "Gator" DeLoach practices his gestapo tactics by forcing dozens of Registered Persons out of their homes

Homer "Gator" DeLoach is not a stranger to the Shiitake Awards. He "won" (possibly stole) an election by 13 votes while running on a campaign on making lives miserable for Registered Persons in his community. Now he is practicing his Geatapo tactics on them by forcing them out of one of the few places they can legally live. I suspect he'll be called upon when tRump calls upon the mass extermination programs that are likely to come.

Putnam County Sheriff’s Office: ‘Cesspool of sex offenders’ cleared out of local trailer park

February 28, 2025 at 9:38 p.m. UTC

By News Staff

PUTNAM COUNTY, Fla. — A “cesspool of sex offenders” was cleared out of a Palatka trailer park on Friday afternoon, according to Putnam County Sheriff Gator DeLoach.

On a Facebook Live, DeLoach said more than 22 convicted predators and sex offenders living in the area were cleared out.

The trailer park, located at 3600 Balsam Street, was turned into what DeLoach referred to as a “predator’s paradise.”

23 registered offenders and predators have this location listed as their address, according to Florida’s Sexual Offenders and Predators Search.

According to the sheriff, the trailer park is located in an area where there are often children. There is a volunteer fire department with a youth program and bus stop close by.

“We heard your cries. We heard your screams on social media,” DeLoach said in the Live.

DeLoach said the sheriff’s office believes the trailer park was acquired in December by an “unscrupulous person” who lives outside Putnam County jurisdiction.

There were 14 homes. However, all but three have now been condemned, according to the sheriff.

The sheriff’s office is taking a “holistic approach” to shutting down the park.

The Putnam County Sheriff’s Office has enlisted the help of the PCSO Criminal Investigation Bureau, patrol deputies, sex offender compliance specialists, probation and parole officers, Putnam County Code Enforcement, and the Putnam County Health Department, according to DeLoach.

DeLoach said they will continue to “aggressively” pursue condemning the final three trailers.

The sheriff said no one is allowed inside the homes unless they are doing licensed work.

“Not in Putnam County and over my dead body are we ever going to let Putnam County become a sanctuary for these kinds of individuals,” DeLoach said.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Dumbassey TN Sen. Massey wants Registered Persons to register where they attend church

I have an idea. If this dumb bill passes, every Registered Person living in Tennessee should registe r their church as Global Vision Bible Church, 1010 Maddox-Simpson Pkwy, Lebanon, TN 37090.

Pastor Greg Locke would just love it! LOL

New bill could require sex offenders to report if they’re members of a church, other religious orgs in TN

By Caleb Wethington

Published: Jan. 30, 2025 at 1:12 PM CST

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) - A new bill introduced in the Tennessee Senate on Thursday would require sexual offenders to report to authorities their membership in a church or another religious organization.

SB 0451, introduced by Sen. Becky Massey (R-Knoxville), is pushing for sex offenders to have to report to authorities if they’re registered members of a Tennessee religious organization.

In turn, the bill would also require the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation to provide all public information about an offender to any church, temple, or other religious group or organization in Tennessee where the offender is a member.

“As introduced, requires sexual and violent sexual offenders to disclose the name, address, and phone number of any church, temple, or other religious group or organization in this state where the offender is a registered member; specifies that this information is considered public information; requires the TBI to provide all public information about an offender to any church, temple, or other religious group or organization in this state where the offender is a registered member when an offender registers as a sexual or violent sexual offender or updates a registration,” the bill reads.


By Sen. Becky Massey

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 40, Chapter 39, Part 2, relative to sexual and violent sexual offenders.


SECTION 1. Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 40-39-203(i), is amended by adding the following as a new subdivision:

( ) The name, physical address, mailing address if different from physical address, and phone number of any church, temple, or other religious group or organization in this state where the offender is a registered member;

SECTION 2. Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 40-39-206(d), is amended by adding the following as a new subdivision:

(17) The name and address of any church, temple, or other religious group or organization in this state where the offender is a registered member.

SECTION 3. Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 40-39-206(d), is amended by deleting "subdivisions (d)(1)-(16)" wherever it appears and substituting "subdivisions (d)(1)-(17)".

SECTION 4. Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 40-39-214(a), is amended by adding the following as a new subdivision:

( ) Any church, temple, or other religious group or organization in this state where the offender is a registered member;

SECTION 5. This act takes effect July 1, 2025, the public welfare requiring it.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Deranged Dictator donOLD tRUMP signs Executive Order suggesting DOJ prosecute teachers who use the wrong pronouns as sex offenders

I told you so. I fucking told you so. Yet, there were people withing the Anti-Registry Movement who thought I was lying, despite it being discussed in Project 2025. 

And now it is here. tRump suggests by executive order , in accordance with Poject 2025, that teachers who call children by their preferred pronouns by prosecuted under sexual exploitation laws, a registerable sex offense. All the anti-registry activists thinking tRump would save them from the registry are fools. tRump seeks to expand the registry, not eliminate it.

Feeling stupid yet?

(I usually post a pic but I'm sick of tRump's ugly mug so no pic today.)

Sec. 3.  Ending Indoctrination Strategy.

    (c)  The Attorney General shall coordinate with State attorneys general and local district attorneys in their efforts to enforce the law and file appropriate actions against K-12 teachers and school officials who violate the law by:

(i)    sexually exploiting minors; 

(ii)   unlawfully practicing medicine by offering diagnoses and treatment without the requisite license; or

(iii)  otherwise unlawfully facilitating the social transition of a minor student.

Trump Tells DOJ to Prosecute Teachers Who “Unlawfully” Support Trans or Nonbinary Students

The latest executive order also threatens funding for schools that teach about gender and race.

By: Sarah Szilagy & Madison Pauly, 1/29/25

...In the executive order issued Wednesday evening, titled “Ending Radical Indoctrination in K-12 schooling,” Trump directs the attorney general to work with local and state officials to investigate teachers who “unlawfully facilitat[e] the social transition of a minor student.” The order defines “social transitioning” to include using a trans student’s name and pronouns, recognizing a student as nonbinary, or allowing them to use the restroom that aligns with their gender identity.

The same section of the order suggests that K-12 teachers and school officials who take action to support trans students’ identities be prosecuted under laws banning sexual exploitation of minors and practicing medicine without a license. There are 3.8 million public school teachers in the United States, according to the National Center for Education Statistics....

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Republican Oklahoma State Senator Dusty Deevers is obsessed with sex. Maybe we should be checking his computer

Dusty Deevers showing us why
fols say there's no hate like
"Christian Love"
Who wants to place bets that sometimes in the near future, Dusty Deevers is busted for a sex offense? Anytime I've seen this much come from a legislator, they're usually hiding some kind of impropriety. I mean, just look at the guy.

 January 22, 2025 | 11:05am

Deevers Introduces Slate of Legislation to Restore Moral Sanity in Oklahoma

OKLAHOMA CITY — Sen. Dusty Deevers, R-Elgin, announced on Tuesday a bold slate of eight legislative measures aimed at restoring moral sanity in Oklahoma. Together, these bills set a course for pushing back against the moral decay foisted upon Oklahoma by the far-left’s march through our institutions to destroy the moral foundations upon which the United States and Christian Civilization had long rested.

“Sadly, the left’s century-long assault on morality and decency has been so successful that some have come to accept as normal a society that is drowning in hardcore pornography, prenatal homicide, and sexual performances for children. None of this is normal. Each one of these evils is a result of a policy choice to not stand for what we know is right. Opposing these evils does not mean we are extremists. It means we are sane,” Deevers said.

“Contrary to what the left would have us believe, it doesn’t have to be this way. We can and should imagine and move toward a society that celebrates virtue in the public square rather than vice. We can restore normalcy, decency, and morality; we can protect the most vulnerable, restore a high view of marriage, and shield children from explicit material that can warp their innocent minds. We simply must have the courage to stand against the most radical and degenerate elements of the far-left.” ...

SB593 – Increasing Penalties for Child Pornography and Prohibiting Pornography in Oklahoma

SB593 significantly heightens existing zero-to-20-year penalties for the possession, distribution, and production of child sexual assault material to 10-to-30 years. It also includes a provision that any subsequent offense for child sexual assault material results in 15-50 years in prison. “There is perhaps no more psychopathic and antisocial behavior in existence than producing, distributing, or watching child sexual abuse material,” Deevers said. “These people should not be back on our streets after brief stints behind bars. Rather, they should be locked away for decades at a minimum.”

The bill also prohibits pornography in general, providing for criminal penalties of up to 10 years in prison for production, distribution, or possession. It also provides heightened 10-to-30-year criminal penalties for organized pornography trafficking. “Pornography is both degenerate material and a highly addictive drug,” Deevers said. “It ruins marriages, ruins lives, destroys innocence, warps young people’s perception of the opposite sex, turns women into objects, turns men into objects, degrades human dignity, and corrodes the moral fabric of society. Any decent society will stand against this plague with the full weight of the law.”

SB550 – Prohibiting Drag Performances for Children

SB550 would ensure that Oklahoma kids are not subjected to adult cabaret performances including Drag Queen Story Hour. Under the provisions of the bill, the performer would be subject to a prison sentence of one-to-five years, while the organizer of the event would face up to one year behind bars.

“There is perhaps no more glaring and disgusting example of the left’s rejection of morality and decency than their insistence on pushing sexual content onto children in particular. It is ridiculous that this has to be said, but children should not be exposed to adult cabaret performances,” Deevers said. “There should be unceasing righteous indignation that these people are allowed to market and perform their sexual content specifically to and for young kids.”

For more information, contact:  Sen. Dusty Deevers at 405-521-5567 or email