Saturday, September 28, 2024

From the Stupidity Alert Desk: Jackson Walker of Sinclair Media would rather spread fear than allow people to seek professional help to prevent child abuse

I am amazed that a large segment of the population oppose groups that attempt to help those who are sexually attracted to minors seek help to prevent sexual abuse. But we have right-wing dipshits like Jackson Walker of Sinclair doing just that. 

Sinclair Media has long been derided as a cesspool of fearmongering and misinformation, from their infamous (and ridiculous) "terrorism alert desk" segments to that creepy and robotic script they forced all their affiliates to read a few years ago. Since right-wing commentators love fearmongering over "grooming" and "pedophilia", it is no surprise to see the shit-for-brains Sinclair Media shmucks write a hit piece targeting one of the only groups trying to encourage those struggling with attraction towards minors to seek professional help so they never abuse a minor. 

Here's the thing, like it or not there are folks who are arracted to minors. Most recognize it is immoral and many want help to deal with feelings they know is wrong. Isolation is one of the biggest barriers to seeking help. So is the stigma of being branded a "pedophile." So whenever any group tries to encourage people to seek help AND provide pathways for them to get the help they need, they should be encouraged, not stigmatized. That kind of logic is lost on these right-wing pundits who have espoused insane beliefs about "underground pedophile networks" in DC pizza shops or drag queen story hours or litter boxes in schools or immigrants feasting on Fido. (Incidentally, RFK Jr., who endorse tRUMP, may have actually eaten a dog and admitted to having a freezer full of roadkill, but I digress.)

From the Stupidity Alert Desk, this has been the 2024 Shiitake Awards Nomination Crew.

Pedophile group claims 'oppression' over Vt. camp gathering outrage: 'Deeply offensive'

by JACKSON WALKER | The National DeskMon, September 23rd 2024 at 7:28 AM

Updated Mon, September 23rd 2024 at 7:32 AM

MARSHFIELD, Vt. (TND) — An activist group claims pedophiles are facing “extreme stigmatization and oppression” amid news reporting on a planned “Minor-Attracted Persons” (MAPs) gathering in Vermont last week.

MAP is a replaced term for "pedophiles" coined by Maryland nonprofit B4U-ACT. It refers to people attracted to minors or those below the legal age of consent. B4U-ACT aims to “promote a science-informed understanding" about people "with an attraction to children or adolescents."

A now-deleted website promoting an event titled “MAP Camp” offered to host “acutely marginalized” MAPs at a Vermont campground from Sept. 19-22. That “first of its kind” event included strict rules for participants.

“MAP Camp” organizers prohibited campers from calling police to the campsite and cautioned participants against the dangers of camping such as “tripping because you were distracted by a sexy minor.” Though camp organizers did not respond to a request for comment from TND, the unrelated activist group MAP Union called out what it saw as unfair treatment of campers.

“We do understand the alarm among local parents, but we are extremely unhappy about non-violent MAP community members being labeled as dangerous to children,” co-founder Brian Ribbon wrote. “The idea that these people would for some reason try to attack children at the local school is outrageous and deeply offensive.”

“The days of MAPs quietly tolerating extreme stigmatization and oppression are over,” he added. “You can expect to hear a lot more from us soon.”

Some online speculated the camp was being hosted at Onion River Campground, sparking concerns due to its proximity to nearby Twinfield Union School. Superintendent Matt Foster of the Caledonia Central Supervisory Union announced via Facebook additional safety measures would be in place at the school throughout the duration of the camp.

“On Thursday, September 19th and Friday, September 20th, we will have State Police and Homeland Security officers on site, both in uniform and in plain clothes, to enhance our security measures and to allay fears to the best of their abilities,” Foster wrote. “Students will not be in the woods on Thursday or Friday. When students are outside for recess, they will be closely supervised by staff in open areas.”

“In addition, Twinfield School will no longer participate in any shared activities with Onion River Campground,” he added. “We are actively exploring fencing options to establish a clearer physical boundary between our properties and will be implementing proper signage to denote the boundaries between the school and neighboring private properties.”

The community also hosted two events for parents to express concerns over the camp, including a “community forum” event in the Twinfield cafeteria and a meeting of the town select board. Present at the select board meeting was Onion River Campground owner Jaquelyn Rieke, who insisted the event posed no threat to the community.

“I assure you that I would never do anything as an individual or business owner that would threaten the wellbeing of our children,” she said. “There was an event alleged to be held at my campground. I can assure that Onion River Campground has never held, or will never hold, a ‘MAP Camp.’”

Rieke acknowledged the “sexual orientation” of one of her employees named Mike may have something to do with the allegations. She also invited event attendees to visit the campground to explore the site.

“I never knew about this or gave my permission for that,” she added.