Monday, July 15, 2013

Well, Joe Arpaio must have FINALLY done something wrong, because NOW he wants to harass registrants with a "volunteer posse"

It is hard to believe that America's DUMBEST sheriff, Joe Arpaio, has never been featured in the long history of the Shiitake Awards. And we all know that politicians tend to focus on sex offender issues only as a last resort, if they are in a scandal, or if that person needs to look like he's working. Well, we know Sheriff JOKE isn't a stranger to the scandals, nor has he needed attention. Thus, one can only wonder what his motivation is behind his "volunteer posse" to check on registered citizens. Did Joe FINALLY cross the line and is in danger of getting in trouble?

Sex Offenders: Are they obeying the law?
Posted: Jul 13, 2013 5:48 PM EDT
Posted by Ceasar Hernandez 

Approximately 20 teams made up of deputies and volunteer posse will be checking on the compliance level of 81 level two and level three sex offenders currently residing in the Sheriff's jurisdiction.

The Sheriff's mission is to verify that these more serious sex offenders are obeying the law by truly living at the addresses they have on record with the criminal courts. Per Sheriff Arpaio's policy, these verifications must be conducted every six months.

If deputies/posse determine that the offender is not at the proper address, a detailed report will be given to the Sheriff's Sex crimes unit to follow up for potential criminal charges.

Failing to properly register is a class four felony.

While the Sheriff's Office does not believe that a high volume of sex offenders are out of compliance, this operation is to ensure total compliance, as the Sheriff has requested.

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